6 Tips For Comfortable Travelling While On Your Period

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I think most women would agree that there is never an ideal time to get your period, but travelling really is the most inconvenient time and can really make women anxious. Not only do you need to have an extra layer of organisation to pack all products, clothes and medication required – but your hormones are also in the driver’s seat during this time. If you are sick of feeling this way, here are 6 tips for handling comfortable while travelling on your period.

1.    Bring period undies

If you haven’t yet tried cotton period undies – you must! They are such a comfortable alternative to using sanitary products, and they give you that boost of confidence in knowing that you are totally covered. These period undies’ thick and breathable design allows you to feel fresh, but there is no chance of leakage while you are on your period.

Some women wear period undies to bed, and others have totally replaced pads and tampons with them. Trial wearing them to bed and around the house prior to your travelling so you can get a feel for them, and then pack them in your bags and wear them on your flight for the ultimate comfort.

2.   Anticipate your hormonal needs

If you get your period once a month, you probably know exactly what your body needs at this time. We crave certain comforts so do your best to recreate these when travelling. Perhaps there are foods that make you feel more like yourself when menstruating, or you might get the most comfort from wearing more or fewer clothes, and perhaps using hot water bottles and wheat packs.

Really think about what you will need when you are away from your home on your period so that you can anticipate and plan for every desire. If the first day of your period is usually the roughest and you are known to just lay low at home, pack some things to keep you entertained while you rest in your accommodation.

3.   Comfortable wardrobe

There really are so many changes to our bodies during menstruation, and bloating is just one of them. Figure-hugging clothes don’t always feel very good on your period so ensure you have packed some comfortable clothes to wear during this time. If you are someone who has experienced a leak or two before, you may also choose to pack dark clothes to give you that peace of mind.

Remember, your period is the most natural thing to happen to a woman’s body so we are not concealing this time but just making sure we feel more comfortable.

4.   Medication and aids

Are you someone who takes pain relief when you menstruate, or do you take natural supplements? Whatever your vice, make sure you pack it for your travels and have a dedicated bag or pouch for it so you can take it on the go. We tend to carry around paracetamol, HydraLite, magnesium and aspirin to take accordingly if required. The last thing you want is for your travel to be ruined because you have cramps – so get organised!

5.   Plan your travel around your cycle

Some women are so regular that you can set your watch to their cycle. Other women can get their period at any time. Do your best to plan your travel around your cycle, so that you avoid long train rides or connecting flights during a time when you will not want to be doing so. Having your period can zap your energy, and your mental processing and have you in a downright bad mood. Avoid this chaos and try to plan so you are in accommodation on these difficult days and don’t need to keep any kind of travel schedule.

6.   Self-care

Sure, travel could be seen as self-care… but we are suggesting you get some self-care while travelling. Take yourself to a movie if you wake up feeling pretty flat, or have a long breakfast or lunch followed by a walk. Be kind to yourself and recognise that there is plenty of time for exploring when you feel up to it. Emotions can be running high during your period, so be gentle and allow your body to get through this period however it needs to.

We hope you are feeling more empowered about your period and excited about your upcoming travel. Periods are not going away, but you can have a say in how this time unfolds and what you do to look after yourself.

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