7 Money-Saving Tips to Help You Travel Australia on a Budget

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Dubbed as the Land Down Under, Australia is one of the world’s most popular tourist attractions. Nature lovers go to Australia to admire the Great Barrier Reef and the jaw-dropping Uluru. Australia has vibrant cities, a unique culture, exciting adventure opportunities and beautiful beaches. All of this gives Australia a prominent spot on travel enthusiasts’ bucket lists. But travelling to Australia can cost a fortune! Here are seven ways to save money while on your trip to Australia.

1.  Getting there

7 money-saving tips to help you travel australia on a budget

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/night-flight-plane-airport-2307018/

Let’s face it. It is a long way to the continent of Australia, and the air-fare to Kangaroo Land can quickly drain your savings. You can save a lot of money on tickets if you travel in April-June, the low season. Furthermore, midweek tickets are cheaper than weekend tickets to Australia. If you have a flexible travel plan, you can wait for flash sales and other good deals.

2.  Getting around in Australia

7 money-saving tips to help you travel australia on a budget

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/goldcoast-tram-gold-coast-2330710/

If you are thinking, now that you are in Australia you will not spend much on travel, you are in for a surprise. Internal flights and trains in Australia also cost a lot of money. For intercity travel, buses are the best choice. You can often buy a pass for a nominal fee that lets you hop on and off any number of times. You can also ask for lifts! If you buy a used campervan for the duration of your trip and sell it afterward for your cost price, you can save a considerable amount on travel. Australia also has free public transport between city centres in most big cities.

3.  Where to Stay in Australia

7 money-saving tips to help you travel australia on a budget

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/campervan-holy-island-blue-travel-1747210/

If you are backpacking, staying in hotels is not an option. Even otherwise, hotels in Australia will empty your pockets in no time. An inexpensive alternative is staying in hostels. You can also rent houses wherever you go and share the rent. If you bought a campervan, then it can double up as your temporary home! You can carry extra luggage on a land rover discovery roof rack if you are traveling with a group of people. Camping is still the cheapest accommodation for backpackers. Though be warned that overnight camping is not allowed in some parts of Australia.

4.  What to Eat in Australia

7 money-saving tips to help you travel australia on a budget

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/hamburger-food-meal-tasty-dining-494706/

Similar to hotels, restaurants in Australia are also expensive. Even though fine dining in Australia is a must-have experience, dining in restaurants every day might not be the best saving strategy. Try fast food joints; they are usually cheaper than restaurants. Hostel accommodations include a kitchen in most cases, which you can use to cook yourself wholesome meals! Cooking your meals is less expensive than eating out.

5.  Save on Booze

7 money-saving tips to help you travel australia on a budget

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/cheers-beverage-drink-booze-839865/

Australian wine and beer are world-renowned. Australia also has a bustling nightlife; your adventures after dusk might lead you to a club or a bar. But beware! Drinking in bars and pubs here is expensive. A cheaper option is to buy bottles of beer or wine from bottle shops, where alcohol costs way less. If you have to drink at a bar, you can save on the tips as tipping in bars here is not necessary.

6.  Entertainment and Activities in Australia

7 money-saving tips to help you travel australia on a budget

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-art-creative-relaxation-girl-1283009/

Travelling is budget-friendly if you are on your own. Most tourists are surprised by the fact that entry to almost all galleries, museums and exhibitions in big cities in Australia is free of cost! You can wander in at any time and spend your afternoon admiring some of the best art pieces. You can go around the city shooting photos at graffiti hotspots. Most cities organise free walking tours; you can make use of this facility to get around the city and know more about its history. All the major cities have beautifully landscaped public parks where you can spend time without spending a single cent. You can walk across Sydney Harbour Bridge for free. Hit the beaches! The beaches of Australia are arguably the best free tourist spots in the country.

7.  Enjoy the Natural Beauty of Australia

7 money-saving tips to help you travel australia on a budget

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/animals-kangaroos-australia-nature-1869759/

Australia has a rich biodiversity. You can appreciate nature in all its glory in the botanical gardens in Sydney and Melbourne without hitting your wallet hard. The botanical garden in Sydney also provides the best views of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. You can see kangaroos in the wild at Pebble Beach or the NSW South Coast. Spotting koala bears, wombats and all sorts of unique animals is possible outside the city.

These are the seven most effective money-saving tips for backpacking across Australia on a budget! You can use these tips to save money and use that money later to extend your trip! Australia is on every traveler’s bucket list. Get a scratch-off map like one available at amazon.com & scratch of the places that you have explored.

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