7 Questions To Ask A Dentist On Your Next Visit

questions to ask a dentist on your next visit
questions to ask a dentist on your next visit

The key contributor to a healthy lifestyle is to have good oral health. 

Are you aware that your oral health can affect you physically and mentally?

Yes! That’s true!

Many of you may not understand the significance of dental care, but the truth is oral health impacts diet and nutrition, appearance, speech, and personal relationships. 

Australia’s Adult Oral Health Tracker 2020 report states that the main risk factors include –

  • Untreated tooth decay
  • Daily smoking
  • Consumption of free sugar
  • Prevalence of diabetes
  • Severe tooth loss

The same 2018 tracker report of children and young people reveals that almost half of Australian children did not visit a dentist before age 5.

Narrabeen dentists advise that you must see your dentist at least twice a year. 

In this blog, we give you 9 questions that you must ask your dentist during your next visit. Let’s see what those are. 

  • At what age should my child see a dentist?

If you have recently embraced motherhood, you might be wondering when to take your child to the dentist. In fact, dentistry for children is extremely important. Babies should be taken to the dentist when their first tooth erupts. However, the professionals recommend seeing a pediatric dentist between the age of one and two. 

  • What causes toothache?

The feeling of a nagging toothache at night is dangerous. This excruciating pain can be the result of a number of cases. The reason can be dental caries, a chipped tooth, inflammation of the tooth nerve, dental plaque, or damage to the enamel. Any such problem can be detected during your routine checkup. A dental x-ray would be done to analyse your teeth condition. Such an x-ray helps the dentist understand the inner workings of your teeth.

  • Why are my teeth so sensitive?

Tooth sensitivity is a common issue, and if you are someone with such a problem, then you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. Dentinal hypersensitivity is a condition that develops over time and is common in the age group of 20 to 50 years. The dentist will educate you about the issue and you must understand the root causes of it. Certain medications, teeth cracks, dental decay, and teeth whitening treatments can trigger sensitivity issues. Visit your dentist before things turn out to be worse.

  • How can I make my teeth whiter?

Nobody wants a yellowish tint on their teeth. It lowers your confidence level. A beautiful smile, showing clean and white teeth is what you need. Discolouration of teeth is a common problem among the masses. To remove the yellow film from your teeth and make it glowing white, dentists perform teeth whitening services. Such treatments improve the appearance of your teeth and remove the stains. There are different types of teeth whitening treatment available in dental clinics. Your dentist will recommend suitable whitening treatment after examining your teeth.

  • How often to go for a dental checkup?

Dental health is an important part of our overall health and it should be given proper attention. People take dental health for granted and we often ignore visiting the dental clinics for a simple checkup. Many expert dentists have suggested that people should visit their dentists at least twice a year to get their teeth and gums checked. This will allow the dentists to identify any underlying oral problems and treat them at the early stage.

  • How to lower the risk of gum disease?

Gum diseases occur when bacteria in plaque starts building up between the gums and the teeth. The bacteria begin to grow and this causes inflammation in the affected area. This can be painful and can deteriorate the overall oral health. The risk of getting a gum disease can be lowered by brushing your teeth daily, flossing once a day, and swishing with mouthwash daily.

  • What are the best ways to practice good oral hygiene?

Taking proper oral care is vital to protect our teeth and gums. Oral hygiene should not be taken for granted and it should be given priority just like other cleanliness practices such as hand washing and bathing. Practising good oral hygiene is recommended by the expert dentists of the country. To achieve this goal, there are certain things which we can do at home:

  • Brush your teeth properly at least twice a day.
  • Floss your teeth regularly. If you have a dental crown, then go for a different flossing technique.
  •  If you wear braces, then go for a different brushing and flossing technique.
  • Eat a balanced diet and try to limit snacks between the meals.
  •  Avoid eating excessive sugary foods at a stretch.
  • Swish with a good mouthwash.
  • Put a check on smoking.

Final Thought

Practice a healthy lifestyle with a more proactive approach towards your dental health. Next time when you visit your dentist, be sure to ask the right questions and keep yourself updated with your oral health condition. You can prevent the majority of dental problems by following your dentist’s instructions. 

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