7 Things You Should Know About the Child Care Subsidy

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The Australian government provides a child care subsidy (CCS) to qualified families to ease the burden of child care. This reduces your out-of-pocket cost owed to approved centres. However, it’s important to remember to complete all steps before you can take advantage of the funds.

A childcare subsidy calculator is a useful tool for determining how much money you may receive. Keep the requirements and reminders given below in mind, and then use an online calculator to estimate your benefit.

You Need To Meet Certain Requirements

In order to qualify for the child care subsidy, you need to meet particular eligibility requirements. These include the following:

  • Over the course of a fortnight, your child is in your care two nights or more. (This equates to 14%.)
  • You live in Australia.
  • You are either an Australian citizen or have a visa to be in Australia.
  • You are responsible for child care fees at an approved child care centre.

There may be other special circumstances that the government handles on a case-by-case basis.

There Are Specific Criteria for Your Child, Too

In addition to being under the age of 14 years — or between the ages of 14 and 18 with a disability — your child needs to fulfill certain other requirements as well.

Children must be immunised according to the approved childhood immunisation schedule or the catch-up schedule or have a valid medical exemption. They must also not be in secondary school unless they are proven to need supervision due to disability.

Money Is Sent Directly to the Child Care Centre

The subsidy is designed to reduce the amount you owe to your centre. If you’re approved to receive funds, they’re sent directly to the government-approved centre. Approved care includes centres that provide after school care, vacation care, and day care. However, note that in-home child care is excluded from the standard subsidy and has different qualification criteria.

The Amount Is Determined Based on Several Factors

There isn’t one single set amount that people who qualify for the subsidy receive. Funding is calculated based on individual factors, such as income and the hours of paid work or recognized unpaid work or study you do per fortnight.

Additionally, there’s an hourly rate cap for child care that depends on how old your child is and the type of centre you use.

You May Be Able To Apply for Extra Support

Beyond the standard subsidy, you can apply for additional aid if you are currently undergoing financial hardship or are in the process of transitioning to work.

Increasingly, grandparents are taking charge of their grandchildren while parents head to work. Grandparents may also qualify for extra government-provided support in the form of the child care subsidy (among other potential funds) if they are responsible for their grandchildren 65% or more of the time.

You Need To Initiate the Process

The child care subsidy isn’t automatic or something your centre does for you. You’ll need to start the process through the government services website. Once you establish your online account and prove your identity by providing certain documents, you’ll be able to confirm your child’s care enrollment. Government services will then send you a notice alerting you of the results of your assessment.

There’s a deadline each year for supplying your family’s income information. Stay ahead of the process by getting started well before the closing date.

There Are Important Steps That Are Often Forgotten

Make sure you’ve completed all paperwork properly. This includes signing off on your child care centre’s compulsory written agreement, a step that is often forgotten by families.

The child care subsidy is of great help to many families in Australia. Make sure that if you qualify, you don’t let this money-saving benefit go untapped.

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