A Beginner’s Guide to Smart Homes

smart homes
smart homes

Residential automation systems have become a common factor of late with their convenience and their ability to save cost and be operable through smart devices. For those with little to no knowledge of smart homes solutions, we have a list of systems ideal for every homeowner:


Ever felt too cold or too hot for comfort? You’re not alone. Manually operating the thermostat can be a pain due to how often you may need to keep changing it, depending on the climate.

On the other hand, smart thermostats give you just the respite by maintaining the right temperature for comfort. In fact, it not only meets your comfort but also saves energy and cost without needing someone to manually operate it. Smart thermostats have sensors that identify when someone is home and outside and automatically operate when required. Further, the latest thermostats operate in a way wherein they are placed only in the rooms you occupied and, therefore, are able to locate where you are to change the temperature there.

Smart home lighting

One of the greatest additions to the list of smart home technologies is smart home lighting. If you are rather put off by blindly making your way towards the switches every evening, we understand you perfectly. Smart lightings are sensor-operated devices that light up when someone is in the room, allowing you to walk through the house without dashing into furniture. Further, they can be controlled through voice or even remotely, making them the perfect addition to your home.

Smart irrigation systems

If you have a beautiful lawn that you adore or a backyard that you admire while sitting on your porch to have your evening cuppa, your garden sprinklers must be an important part of your essential requirements. However, these sprinklers may not always get the required amount of water to every corner of your garden nor can they help save water.

Smart irrigation systems help water your lawn by getting the required amount of moisture to your gardens without wasting too much water.

Home security

Home security is, without a doubt, the most important element of residential automation systems. With home security cameras installed, one can keep an eye on what goes on inside or outside the house while you are away. For those who have children or pets, these cameras serve as a great solution to keep a check on their safety. You can find out who enters your premises and also interact with people ringing your Vivint doorbell through doorbell cameras if you are away.

Smart smoke detectors

If you’ve ever had the usual smoke detectors installed at home, you may have realised how inconvenient those can be. This is even more so if an alarm goes off while you aren’t at home to intercept it and realise that your home could be on fire.

On the other hand, smart smoke detectors not only set off an alarm but also alert the homeowner or authorised personnel on their smart devices to warn them of potential danger.

Although you may not have as much knowledge about smart homes solutions to set up home security, you can always approach companies dealing with home security to understand more about the many devices and what you could require at your home.

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