Post-holiday season I will be back on stage presenting my brand new live show “An Inaccurate History of Electronic Dance Music”. A celebration and exploration of dance music sub-genres through the ages. Replete with lasers, lights and haze.

Throughout lockdowns I began exploring the world of electronic dance music. Some of you might remember my live Twitch streams experimenting with sub-genres like disco, trance, the music of Kraftwerk and Daft Punk, and oh, don’t forget Infected Mushroom!

The exciting news I have to share is that 2022 is a new album release year! My new album “An Inaccurate History of Electronic Dance Music” will be a studio-recorded collection of the music I perform at these live shows throughout the year.

My pilot show is happening on Sunday 23rd January at The Worker’s Club. This show is the first in a series of upcoming EDM-inspired concerts with lights, incredible sound, triggers, drum machines and vocal FX units. It’s a show that celebrates us all being back together again on a dance floor.

My long-time collaborator Justin Olsson will be joining me for this project on drum kit, triggers and samples. There’ll be neon, dress-ups, discotheque vibes and lots of love.

Tickets are available now here. I am also very excited to announce that the night will kick off with music by Charlie Needs Braces. You can find out more about her incredible project here.

Buy tickets

Have a safe and happy holiday season and see you in the new year. Love xani xx

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