Are Dental Veneers Beneficial?


Dental veneers, also known as dental porcelain laminates or porcelain veneers, are customised wafer-thin shells of tooth-coloured material designed to seamlessly bond to the front of your teeth’s surface and enhance their appearance. Dental veneers can change the appearance of your teeth drastically. Most people opt for veneers to improve their smiles.  

Types Of Dental Veneers 

Dental veneers are either made of porcelain or resin composite material.    

Porcelain veneers are more stain-resistant than resin veneers. Also, they have light-reflecting properties that make them look like natural teeth.  

Application of traditional dental veneers involves intensive preparation work compared to alternatives known as “no-prep veneers.” Traditional dental veneers can be applied to the teeth by first grinding down the tooth surface or removing the tooth beyond the enamel. 

 As far as no-prep veneers are concerned, their application requires minimum tooth preparation or alteration. There’s no need of removing layers of the tooth below the enamel with no-prep veneers.  

How Beneficial Are Dental Veneers?  

Dental veneers are known to improve the appearance of your teeth. They can make your teeth brighter and whiter. Most patients choose dental veneers to treat cosmetic issues like: 

  • Chipped teeth 
  • Broken teeth 
  • Discoloured teeth 
  • Stained teeth 
  • Teeth with gaps 
  • Unusually shaped teeth 

Dental veneers offer multiple advantages like:    

  • They resemble natural teeth and are difficult to spot 
  • They are stain-resistant 
  • They require minimum shaping, unlike crowns and are a more robust and better-looking option 

 What’s The Procedure Involved In Application Of Dental Veneers  

The application of dental veneers isn’t a lengthy procedure. You can have them installed on your teeth in just a few visits to your dentist in Toorak.  

You first need to consult your dentist to discuss your dental veneer needs. During the first appointment, your dentist will take x-rays and impressions of your teeth and mouth. You will then be asked to book another appointment to get your teeth prepared for the veneers. During this appointment, your dentist may trim your teeth enamel and then take impressions of your teeth. You may opt for a local anaesthetic to minimise the pain and discomfort. Once accurate impressions of your teeth are taken, the dentist will send them to the lab for custom-made veneers prepared for you. Veneers usually take about 2 to 4 weeks to arrive from the dental lab. Once your dentist receives your veneers, they will call you to get them fixed onto your teeth. Before the veneers are fixed, your teeth will be cleaned, polished and etched. Etching helps the veneers to bond better to your teeth. Next, your dentists will apply special cement to the veneer and have them photo polymerised to fix them perfectly in their place.  

If you have naturally yellow teeth or a grey cast on your teeth and don’t wish to bleach them, you can opt for dental veneers. Also, patients who have a chipped or cracked tooth and want to fix it conveniently and quickly may avail of this treatment. Remember, dental veneers don’t just improve the appearance of your teeth but also protect and strengthen them. 

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