Best Online Marketing Tools


Online marketing is no walk in the park. While it may seem completely intuitive, it really isn’t. There are a lot of things to keep in mind and do. If you are not at the top of your game, you’ll find yourself lost and frustrated. A lot of people have gone into the world of online marketing and failed miserably. But you shouldn’t have the same fate.

What differentiates successful online marketers from failed ones are the tools they use. With the right help, online marketing becomes a more bearable burden. The question now is, what are those?

1. Trello

Chances are, you are not a one-man team. You have people working for you and those include your graphic designer, email specialists, and many more. It is not easy to put everybody on board a project, let alone be up to date with their progress and work.

Traditionally, you would have to email and ask every single one in your team about updates. That can easily get annoying and tedious. With Trello, everything gets better. The best way to describe the tool is that it is a digital bulletin board. You can assign everyone their tasks straight from one place and they can give you updates from the same place as well

2. MailChimp

A staple to every online marketing strategy is emails. So, you’d want an email marketing tool at your disposal and MailChimp is the best at that. There are a lot of choices in the market, so the question is, why this one?

It has everything you need to implement an effective and efficient email marketing campaign. To emphasize how great it is, eight out of every ten marketers are using the tool. It ranks as the top one tool for email marketing, but with a flexible rate. It starts free and you can move to a paid plan as you grow.

3. HubSpot

The most important aspect with searching the right marketing tools is to make sure to keep them as little as possible. If you are using more than ten services, then it doesn’t necessarily narrow down the things you need to do.

That’s why it is important to have HubSpot on board. If you want a service that does everything, this is it. You are introduced to a whole new world of marketing tools, from sales all the way to CRM software. And they are one of the top players at that.

Whether you are looking at blogging, SEO, social media, and website enhancements to improve your digital marketing, you can find all of it in HubSpot. No need to have a separate tool for every campaign, you can have them all in one place for fast and convenient integration.

best online marketing tools

4. Google Analytics

Who doesn’t use Google? It’s hard to answer that question especially that Google’s search engine market share is more than 90%. The company literally dominates the market. If somebody discovers your website, chances are, they are using Google.

As per a research by Rank Rebound, using analytics can help you grow your conversions by 50- 100% and data from analytics can really help you figure out whats working and what’s not in your marketing campaign.

So, one of the tools you should be using is no other than Google Analytics itself. It’s free but delivers a lot to the table. You have access to various statistics and data that will allow you to further target and improve your marketing campaigns. The best part? It’s easy and intuitive to use.

5. Hootsuite

In this era, social media is everything. It is even the biggest marketing platform. So, as a marketer, one of the first places you should be diving into is social media itself. However, it’s no easy task. There are a number of websites and each function differently from the other.

If you take the time to jump from one website to the other, it can take a lot of time. You have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many more. Add in the potential for human-error and you are looking at a marketing catastrophe.

That’s where Hootsuite gets in the picture. Be able to do everything you need from one place. Whether it may be creating posts, scheduling updates, or replying to comments, Hootsuite can do all of that. In addition, you have access to data and statistics to better improve your social media marketing campaigns.

These Five Tools Are All That You Need

Digital marketing is a headache. People think that it is easy, but it really isn’t. It involves a lot of hard work, so much that it is going to need every minute of every day. But with these five tools, you are looking at automation, which makes everything simpler and faster. It narrows down margin of error and guarantees your success every step of the way.

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