Spk Red scaled
Spk Red scaled
I drink this wine from vintage champagne flutes as this wine is indeed a sparkling wine after all. Plus, it just tastes better from the flute.
Now to the wine when pored it has a wonderful deep purple mousse, the wine is black as old-school Indian ink. At four years old this bottle of wine was drinking beautifully and may be at its best. I know they can age for up to 10 years, however for me this bottle had it all. Dark berry fruits, solid tannins a dry finish with a hint of bitter chocolate.
Have I ever mentioned what a shame it is that in Australia (the home of sparkling Shiraz) the only time sales of this wonderful red grape juice ever seem to excel is around December / Christmas time each year.
Truly guys do yourself a serious favour and purchase a good bottle, you will need to spend around $35+ and you should get a serious Sparkling Red. I have found that the cheaper ones tend to be too sweet for my liking and not a good example of what a sparkling shiraz can become with age.
Then once you have tasted a good sparkling red, like me you too may be converted and fall in love with this Red Fizzy stuff.

And enjoy it as a regular Friday night tipple with duck wontons & stir fried veg, Go on spoil yourselves.

PS – Ask someone on the floor at the wine store about Sparkling red.
If they don’t know, find someone that does, at another store.

the new way we drink in 2022Michael Lillis

The Rot has set in.
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