Book review: Blurred Vision by Chris Botragyi


About Blurred Vision

Six men wake up in a hazy room. Trying to piece together the jigsaw of how they ended up there, it becomes clear that they are being held prisoner on a spacecraft.

But why were they abducted?

One by one, they are dragged out of the room and into the darkness. From a brilliant professor to a young, headstrong resistance leader, they all have to face their greatest fears and come to terms with their past… and the dangerous future they face.

My thoughts

I rarely read science fiction and therefore am no expert when it comes to the genre. What I liked about Blurred Vision was the ambition and scope and complexity of the narrative. A group of six men wake up to find themselves incarcerated in a strange metal box. Slowly they begin to regain their memories, only to discover they have been abducted by aliens. Early on in the story one escapes and is brutally dismembered. One by one, the backstories of the various characters is revealed, along with the story of the aliens themselves. Good characterisation, a fast pace from the first and an abundance of action make Blurred Vision an entertaining read.

The narrative feeds into alien conspiracy theories, especially the idea that aliens are attempting to steal military knowledge and that the United States military is covering up their communications with extra-terrestrials and are engaged in alien experiments. But that theme is overshadowed by a larger conspiracy theory, fictional this time, one of epochal proportions and tipping its hat at, I imagine, the evangelical Christian scene. This theme takes over as the narrative takes on a Biblical storyline and cause of the alien invasion is eventually revealed. To say more would spoil the story.

Blurred Vision is the kind of science fiction that shades into horror and would appeal to fans of both.


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