Cat Supplies Online – 6 Fabulous Feline Products

feline products
feline products

Which products does your feline friend need most? Studies show that over one-third of Australian pet owners have a cat, according to the University of Melbourne. When selecting cat supplies online, you have several options for your kitty-cat. Here are some of the most popular product categories to choose from:


You can find various ear drop products available at online retailers. They’re especially ideal for outdoor cats that are more prone to experience wax buildup. However, indoor cats can also require ear cleanings due to dust and other small airborne particles.


Studies show that cats’ cavities are relatively rare, and even rarer than the 5% prevalence in dogs. Nevertheless, it’s still important to provide your feline with the best oral health possible.

Treats, gels, and sprays are some of the different options you have for keeping your cats’ teeth as clean as possible. There is even cat toothpaste on the market you can select from.

The main difference from human toothpaste is they’re often available in meat flavours versus mint, for example. However, the goal is still the same to deal with plaque and tartar buildup. Both are more likely due to additives in cat food.


It’s important to deworm your cat periodically to keep them as healthy as possible. There are five main types of intestinal parasites. You can use worming products to help prevent or treat worms. In some cases like heartworms, the worms can’t be prevented. However, you can provide treatments if your fur baby has been diagnosed with the parasites.

It’s worth noting that different worms can cause different symptoms. If you observe your cat with some of the common signs of intestinal parasites, then it’s important for them to have a checkup. An animal doctor can help to examine samples to check if your cat has worms.


The average house cat has about 250 bones. Joints are important since they have the function of connecting bones. You can find muscle and joint products in forms like powders and tablets.


Cats use their rough tongues to groom themselves, which keeps them neat and tidy. However, one of the side-effects is hairballs. Sometimes they can cause digestion problems that pet owners can treat with over-the-counter (OTC) products.

Long-haired cats are more likely to deal with furballs, although short-haired breeds can also have the problem. Besides providing your kitty-cat with treatments, you can also help to reduce furballs by brushing him or her regularly. This will help to reduce loose hairs on their body, and thus reduce the effects of hairballs.

Flea & Tick

These annoying bugs are ones that can make your cat uncomfortable or sick. Statistics show that cats are twice as likely to have fleas, according to Banfield Pet Hospital. There are different forms to flea & tick products to pick from, including flea powders.

It’s important to watch your cat for signs they have fleas or ticks. Scratching their skin a lot is a common sign your cat or kitten has fleas. There are also several ways to spot ticks on cats. Make sure to monitor your feline to determine if he/she is displaying signs of parasites.

When selecting cat supplies online, you have a wide range of products to pick from. They include ones for your feline’s teeth, muscles, and furballs. Selecting the right eCommerce company can provide high-quality products with affordable prices and quality service.

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