Choosing the NBN Cabling Contractor


To set up your National Broadband Network (NBN) you should hire experienced NBN installation contractors.  One of the reasons that you should hire them is that will be able to ensure the customer a secure and reliable connection.  NBN is the internet of the future.  It offers faster downloading and uploading times along with high-speed internet and stable phone connections.  To make sure you get this, therefore you need a professional to install it.

To find the best NBN cabling contractors, there are several factors a customer should consider.

  • Cost of service—for any commercial application, this is always a concern. You need to be sure that you balance the quality of service with the cost.  Do not hire a contractor based on their cost. 
  • Expertise and experience—this is what you should base your decision on. If they are not experienced, you might not get the best results.  Using NBN will change the way you study and work, so you want to make sure you have the best connection possible.  Take time to access the contractors level of experience with NBN.  They should be certified by the manufacture for the products that the company installs.
  • Quality of material—the contractor should use only high-quality materials. They should be able to provide manufacture warranties for the installations.  To save time and money, ask the contractor for product specifications for everything they are using and any warranty information from the manufacturer. 
  • Previous customer satisfaction—check their website for customer reviews and see if they are positive. If they are negative, see why and if the issues were solved. 

Before hiring NBN installation contractors, make sure they are licensed.  All are required to hold licenses in order to do the work.  You will want to hire an ACMA licensed technician who understands NBN delivery technologies and has experience with Ethernet cabling.

When your installation contractor arrives at your home to install the service you need to know which rooms you are going to use the internet in the most.  It is recommended that you install the modem in a location that is central to your home.  You want the modem to be able to distribute evenly to everyone wireless service.  You want to make sure that every area where you want internet service is covered.

For example, if you are an avid gamer, you may want to install it where your gaming system is located.  Another good place is in the lounge near your television.  By installing it near your television, if you have any streaming services, there will be low latency streaming and less buffering during high usage of the network.


Before hiring NBN cabling contractors, do your homework to ensure you are getting a contractor that is experienced with this type of service.  Price is not everything so the cheapest may not be the best.  This is the internet of the future, and you want to make sure that it is installed correctly.  Also, make sure that they are licensed before hiring.

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