CODDIWOMPLE…..To Travel In A Purposeful Manner To A Vague Destination.

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A friend recently sent me a post containing this word. I could instantly relate, although I am not sure people would accept the actual word in a sentence. The meaning is certainly in alignment with my life.
I try to keep my mind right by achieving something every day, it doesn’t matter if it is a small or large achievement as long as it is moving forward.
To keep my thoughts positive and my mind right by choosing to be happy is a big deal for me because God knows I have a lot of reasons to be bitter, choosing happiness also has a multitude of beneficial effects on the mind, body and spirit.
Constantly finding things to keep oneself on the right path can be challenging at times.
There is something quite therapeutic about planting something, nurturing it and watching it grow. Lately, I am fascinated by the number of plants I have successfully grown in water, I never realised there were so many that don’t need dirt.
One of my favourites is the Snake Plant, keeping them inside has a two-pronged effect not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they also convert carbon dioxide into oxygen regulating healthy airflow.No need to buy expensive air purifying machines when Nature is all around and such a powerful healer.
Music is another favourite healer of mine, when memories start to weigh me down nothing snaps me back quicker than turning up the volume and singing along with Aretha. My taste in music is quite eclectic, I like everything from rock and roll for a walk to disco for dancing in the hallway.

As far as a vague destination is concerned,I am 70 of course the destination is vague, you never know what is around the corner that’s why you have to enjoy all the little things.

Feature Image by corelens

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