Common Things That Will Damage Your Plumbing

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When you’re managing property in Queensland, effective plumbing services are a must. There’s simply no way around this simple fact, and it will likely lead you to hire a leading residential plumbing company in Brisbane to help you ensure the job is done correctly.

There is more you can do, however, such as educate residents of the property how to avoid unnecessary problems in their plumbing. So many issues are caused by avoidable factors.

  1. DIY Repairs

When people cobble together a DIY solution to a home plumbing problem, it can seem as though everything is working fine. The truth is different, though, as a professional residential plumber will tell you. DIY plumbing jobs very often fail to get to the heart of the issue. The result is that while problems appear fixed on the surface, the more fundamental problem is still there, and likely getting worse.

Quick fixes and patch jobs are well and good as a stop-gap solution to buy time before a professional plumber can take a look and fix a problem properly, but that’s all they should be. When they become the go-to solution for homeowners, they are just damaging their plumbing.

  1. Harsh Household Chemicals

Even when household cleaning chemicals are labelled as drain-friendly or drain-fixing, they can do some real damage to the plumbing if used excessively or improperly. Let’s take a household drain cleaner as an example. It can be great to shift a blockage that’s backing up the kitchen sink, but do you know how the chemicals in that formula are messing with your water pipes? They can actually be strong enough to eat away at the pipe and reduce their structural strength.

Another common item that can be damaging is toilet fresheners. If the freshener breaks and small pieces fall into the water and into the pipes, they can cause tricky blockages that won’t disintegrate easily.

  1. Kitchen Grease

If you think something like hair is the most serious problem for household plumbing, then you’ve never seen the impact of grease. People happily allow grease to slip down their kitchen sink drain, usually when it’s still in its liquid form. In their minds, it’s washed away with the rest of the water and there’s no harm done. Some of it does indeed simply run through the system, but a lot gets left behind.

Left-behind grease cools, and hardens — have you seen cooked fatty meat after it’s been in the refrigerator overnight? — Imagine that hardened grease lining your pipes. It’s not dissimilar to a clogged artery in someone’s chest.

  1. Food Waste

Another common item that can get down into your plumbing and cause some serious problems is food waste left on plates if you’re doing the dishes the old-fashioned way or rinsing them first before putting them in the dishwasher. Food waste should go in the garbage disposal, but even then it can continue to cause problems, especially leftover bones.

  1. Household Waste

If it’s not food going down the sink, then it’s trash going down the toilet that causes plumbing damage. Just because something flushes out of sight doesn’t mean it has gone all the way through and can now be forgotten about. Feminine hygiene products, prophylactics, excessive amounts of toilet roll, babies’ diapers, baby wipes, and more — all of these things people might want to flush away, but if and when they do they are exacting a serious toll on the plumbing.

If you’re managing property, either rented or owned by the residents, it’s key that you communicate this knowledge to them to minimize plumbing damage and minimize unnecessary work for your residential plumbing service.


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