Daylight Savings – 2021: Starts Sunday October 3rd


For some Australians, Daylight Savings Time (DST) has been a part of Australian life since 1971 and in the states and territories that have it — New South Wales, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia — those Aussies see it as part of normal life.

Those that don’t are Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

In fact daylight savings was actually introduced into Australia almost 100 years ago. Tasmania was the first to introduce the procedure of setting the clocks one hour ahead as early as 1916 with the other four states and territories that have daylight savings, first experiencing it in 1917.

To have daylight savings or not to have is an annual debate, particularly in the places that do not observe it.

So, if you are in a part of Australia that experiences daylight savings you need to set your clocks ahead by ONE hour when you go to bed, although the official DST is actually set at at 02:00 local standard time (which is then 03:00 DST). 

Enjoy your extra sunshine!


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