Detox Tips – Post-Holiday


The beginning of a new year is also the beginning of implementing new decisions for many. A great start can be seven-day detoxification of the body, which will help you eliminate all the harmful toxins accumulated during the holidays. After it, you will feel better, healthier and more vital. Also, it is crucial that you continue with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Look at this detox as a purification of the body from poisons and an introduction to a newer and healthier life – – why not check out the MOD Appliances Juice Detox Recipe also?”

Do morning exercises

Make sure you do light stretching and breathing exercises each morning. Yoga is also great for purifying the body. In addition to the exercises, you can also play some chill music that will further help you relax. Going for a morning jog or run will help you start your day more energetic and prepared. It will also be beneficial for you in the long term. With the right equipment and regimen, you will easily reach your goals. If you don’t know where to start, you can check here more information.

Don’t starve yourself

Forget about the idea of ​​living on squeezed juices. It is crucial for detox to give your body what it needs. The food we eat provides the necessary nutrients for detoxification, so starvation prevents organs that are important for detoxification to function normally. The liver, lungs, kidneys, intestines, skin, all these organs work together to release toxins, but every organ needs nutrients to function properly. For those who want to lose weight, make sure you eat a variety of foods to bring in all the nutrients.

Sleep healthy

A healthy sleep cycle is very rehabilitative for both our mind and body. It provides us with the strength to cope with all the responsibilities and stressful situations that the day puts before us as a challenge. Healthy sleep also reduces the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood.

Don’t expect miracles

One of the most common New Year’s decisions is to lose weight. To lose weight quickly, many rely on so-called liquid diets, low-calorie drinks and the like. By adhering to such a diet regimen you may lose weight, but you will lose body fluids, glycogen and even muscle. Not only is rapid weight loss unsustainable in the long run, but it also carries a health risk and the risk of the yo-yo effect. Eating healthy, exercising, and avoiding things that are not good for your health are the best ways to feel good and look that way.

Be determined

Whether you want to lose weight or just feel healthier, detox is not a quick fix, but an introduction to a healthier life. Starting the year with some new, healthier habits will help you stick to them in the long run. Avoiding toxins in the first place is a great way to detox. It will help you to live without the harmful substances that harm your body. You should try to avoid sugar, fast food and processed foods. You should also try to consume caffeine and alcohol in moderation because too much of those drinks will dehydrate your body.

Drink plenty of water

When it comes to detoxing our body, water is the most effective beverage as it helps the kidneys remove toxins from our body more efficiently. In addition, it transfers nutrients through our body and makes us healthier.

Start the day with a cup of green tea

Green tea is one of the most effective beverages when it comes to detox. It speeds up the release of toxins from the body while speeding up metabolism and aiding weight loss.

Eat healthily

Most toxins in our body accumulate while we eat unhealthy foods. In order to cleanse the body of harmful substances, we should start eating fresh fruits and vegetables, so that we have enough energy to go effectively through our day.

Increase your protein intake

Try to get the amount of protein you need through your meals every day. In addition to proteins being one of the nutrients that best regulates our weight, they also help release toxins. They affect muscle fibre, as well as help with the higher energy levels our body needs during the day.

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