Drawbacks of not sending your child to pre-school

drawbacks for schooling
drawbacks for schooling

Pre-school is the first step in the educational life of your little darling. Think of a tree’s roots, and they have to be strong, right? Similarly, your child’s pre-school experience does that for their educational career. He may remember very less of it, but early childhood learning programs play a vital role in shaping up the personality of your child.

Many people want to home-school their kids, and there’s nothing wrong with it, but it is really important to consider what your child is missing out on when you decide to not send them to pre-school.

Preschool learning is not just academic. What can you teach a 3-year-old? They won’t be learning about science or geography, but they will be learning something way more important than any scientific knowledge. That is human interaction. We don’t live in this world alone, nor can we survive as a sole person. We need to make connections and learn the etiquette of living as a responsible member of the society, and that’s what pre-school teach your child.

During this stage, we seek to strengthen the abilities of children that allow them to better relate to their environment and others. They learn to react properly to the stimuli presented to them and are often able to assess their reactions and change them accordingly.

You can decide the best for your child, and it is totally your choice if you want to send them to a pre-school, but it is important that you learn and recognize the drawbacks that your decision carry.

Drawbacks of not sending your child to preschool

1.     Lack of language development

Specifically, a child who attends pre-school and interacts with challenging languages will develop an advanced language faster as compared to a child who is “interpreted” at home, and who needs basic commands to get what he needs easily.

2.     No collaborative learning

In the pre-school, collaborative learning allows students to be an active part of their teaching process. Thus, students manage to develop skills such as individual and group responsibility, interpersonal skills, and stimulating interaction, which can be great qualities that will favor them when they reach kindergarten.

In the long run, these qualities will prove to be exceptionally advantageous for companies, organizations and enterprises.

Undoubtedly, collaborative learning is one of the topics of educational innovation about what has been researched and written the most in recent years. Thus, various publications and education experts have talked about the positive impact it generates in the children who go to pre-school.

They can better their learning and create acceptance among students. But what is collaborative learning? It is the acquisition of knowledge and skills through the dynamics of group work and interaction. This activates mental processes in students such as reasoning, understanding and critical thinking. Its objective is that students build their own learning and enrich themselves through the exchange of ideas and cooperation with their peers. This pedagogical approach allows developing various skills in the classroom, so it has been started from a level as primary as pre-school.

3.     Lack of curiosity and willingness to learn

You can’t give the child the attention it gets at a pre-school. The attention is not just what the teacher or directress gives your child but also what other factors grab your kid’s attention. The stimuli and material in the classroom arouse curiosity and willingness to learn in your child.

They get to see so many things and meet new people every day, and this makes them curious. Curiosity is the mother of all inventions, and rightly so. Don’t take away the chance to make your child achieve something great.

4.     No Positive interdependence

Being able to interact with other children in the pre-school class will help establish social connections and interdependence. To be able to rely on the other and value the work of others is something your child won’t learn from a young age if they don’t go to pre-school.

5.      Interpersonal skills

Just as children interact with other kids in learning, applying the collaborative approach helps improve interpersonal relationships and social skills in both individual and groups.

Through pre-school, your child learns empathy, participation, involvement in processes and conversation.

Pre-school also enables children to be able to resolve conflicts together. This trait can be very beneficial ahead in life when your child has to make decisions considering all points of view and positively influence work and mutual support.

6.      No stimulating interaction

Pre-school learning develops feelings of belonging and cohesion in a child. They don’t feel like a cast out and can easily adapt to any environment or situation. By deciding to not sending your child to pre-school, you might be making them a person with behavioural problems and emotional challenges.

7.     Inability to make social connections

If you decide to home school your child, you might achieve a great feat with them in the educational front, but your child won’t be able to do much when it comes to social connection. Not every child is a prodigy like Matilda.

8.     Delay in the development of motor skills

At school, your pre-school going child would have better motor skills and hand-eye coordination as compared to when you home-school them. Working with different materials, grabbing, lifting and holding objects in their hands while they are working individually or as a group will develop their grip and motor skills.

9.     Unable to explore talents

While finger-painting, drawing, tracing, dancing or singing, your child might exhibit an innate talent that you might never discover if they are at home doing nothing. Pre-school plays a major role in recognizing, originating and developing the talent that your kids might exhibit.

10.Recreational and safe educational spaces

Pre-schools serve as a recreational space where your child can have fun, play games with their friends or work alone which will teach them skills of being content with their own company when they are at odds with others.

11.Acquire social skills

If you have only child chances are they might never learn to:

  • Share their belongings with others
  • Say sorry when they hurt someone
  • Resolve conflicts with someone

 These are some of the virtues they can learn at pre-school because they will have their friends to practice all these things with.

Asses and re-assess

Pre-schools are a vital stepping stone for your child’s social, emotional and developmental need. You might have heard of what Dr Maria Montessori says about the child’s inner calling. The child wants you to help them to help themselves.

There are many things your toddler might be gaining if you reconsider not sending them to a pre-school.

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