The Foreday Riders: 50 years of blues music

Ron and Jeff 1 scaled
Ron and Jeff 1 scaled

the foreday riders: 50 years of blues music

The University of The Blues

I interviewed these gentlemen, Ron and Jeff King, about their 50 years as blues musicians and the Sydney blues scene of the 60s and 70s.  The interview was at The Merton Hotel in Rozelle – Sydney, a place where they both feel is their “natural turf”, as they said similar to those early days with a band stuck in the corner, a basic P.A. system and pub folk enjoying their music

This podcast is a 30 min excerpt of the whole interview which you can find on Sound Cloud.  If you need to pause it, when you come back to it just press the “X”.  Here Audio Jeff and Ron King  (Full 1 hour interview) where they also talk about Dutch Tilders, Chain and the unique Australian Blues scene


The whole shebang will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary at The Factory in Marrickville on Saturday 5th August and The Foreday Riders with Shane Pacey will be performing at The Wangaratta Jazz and Blues Festival 3rd – 5th November 


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