How To Clean Fabric Upholstery Without Water Naturally?

Fabrc Sofa Cleaning Services in Perth
Fabrc Sofa Cleaning Services in Perth

Your sofa is the heart of your home. It has seen it all. The movie nights, dinner, kids playing, snack times, binge watching and even pets running around on it. Your sofa is bound to get dirty in this way. So, It’s easy to clean things with water but sometimes you don’t have a choice. The ‘X’ code on your upholstery furniture says no water! 

Upholstery cleaning is still easy in that case. Even if the code lets you use water for cleaning, excessive use of water can bring dullness in your upholstery’s appearance. So, We will give you some techniques and ways to clean your fabric sofa without having to use water. 



  • Vacuum cleaner

The most needed equipment is a vacuum cleaner. It helps you get rid of dirt, dust, pet hair and the dry chunks of waste without harming your upholstery. Also, Use it on the whole surface of your furniture. 

  • Brush 

The next thing you want to do is to use a brush with soft bristles. The dry grime and stains that cannot be cleaned by vacuum can be easily handled with a brush. Run the brush on the affected area. So, Be careful about putting extra pressure as it can damage the fibers. 

  • Sunlight

If you have a space that gets good sunlight, you can prefer putting your upholstery out there. Sunlight can kill the germs and toxins. So, This can result in lesser infections and allergies. 

  • Baking Soda 

Baking soda is an incredible kitchen resource that effectively helps you in wiping out stains and ridiculous smells.  Sprinkle baking soda and form a layer on the couch. Let it sit for a good 20 minutes. So, Remove it with a vacuum cleaner or dust it away using a clean cloth. 

  • Oil stains

Oil stains on your sofa can legit make you scared. Worry not! All you have to do is to blot out the excess oil using a clean paper and later setting in some baking soda or cornstarch on the oil-stained spot. Also, Repeat the same process of vacuuming or dusting off the baking soda.

  • Vinegar

Vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent for upholster. The best part is that it is colourless and it won’t stain your upholstery. Take a clean white cloth, damp it in white vinegar and start dabbing it on the surface. You can dab the cloth multiple times on stains and spots. Leave it to dry under the fan. 

  • Alcohol 

Alcohol is another good way to treat tough stains on your sofa. This strong stain remover can be used in the same way as vinegar. A dampened cloth in alcohol will do. Use rubbing alcohol for stubborn stains. Also, Make sure you dry out your furniture under the fan, in the sun or by using a dryer. 

  • Dry powders

You may notice many signs that your upholstery may need professional cleaning. There are various dry powders and dry carpet cleaners available in the market. You can easily opt them for upholstery cleaning. So, These powders can be spread on the surface. Use a brush to clean it and later suck the powder with a vacuum cleaner or a cloth.

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