How to Remove the Smell Of Pet Urine From a Carpet

dog cat pet pee urine carpet rug cleaning
dog cat pet pee urine carpet rug cleaning

You think that your pets might be the best beings in the world. But this statement might not hold true if you equally are in love with the home interiors, upholstery and carpets. You would have invested a good amount of money in your carpets and hence, if there are some issues with that, you would just not like the same. Pets would accidentally urinate over the carpets and as a result there would be bad smell and stains on the carpet. It is vital to do Carpet Cleaning and only then there would be better solutions.

How Can Pets Create Stains On The Carpet?

The pets might accidentally poop or urinate over the carpets and this would make the look of the carpet too bad. Also, if you leave it unclean then it will give rise to unhygienic situations. Whether it’s vomit or pet’s urination, you must take the steps very quickly. If you don’t do that, it will make your home feel stinky. Such unhygienic areas would be the breeding grounds for germs. So, take the steps as soon as possible and make the carpets clean. For dog owners and cat owners such accidents and problems are going to be quite common. Apart from having the contact of a reliable cleaning service, you must also have a few handy solutions that can help in removing the stains of pet urination from the carpets.

Try This Procedure For Pet Urination Over The Carpet

  • If the pet has just urinated over the carpet and you know about the same then you must press a waste towel over the urination so that the maximum is absorbed in the towel.
  • Now make a solution which would have 2 cups of water, half cup of vinegar and half cup of baking soda powder. This is going to be your cleansing solution. Put this liquid in a spray bottle.
  • Now you must start spraying the liquid into the carpet and then also gently brush the affected area. Once you do this for a while, you will see that the pet urine stain has become light.
  • Take blotting paper or a soft blot cloth. Put it over the wet area so that excess liquid gets absorbed.
  • If the stain area is too big then rather than using the spray bottle you can just pour the liquid over the affected area.

You Love Your Pets, But You Love Your Carpets Too

You might be deeply in love with your pets. But at the same time you must be having soft feelings for the carpets too. So, keeping this in mind, you must be open to getting the best results. You must train the pet well. But you still can’t avoid the accidents as the pets are like kids. They can get out of control sometimes and you just can’t do anything of that.

We Give You The Right Guidance

Even though your pets are quite awesome, you still have to be quite agile about what they do. If you want to get rid of the stains on the carpets due to pet poop and urination then you must get in touch with us. You can call us on 03 6145 0035 and we will guide you about how to solve the problem. We have expert staff who can visit your area in Frankston. Do let us know how our Carpet Cleaning solutions will be useful for you.

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