Invisalign 101: 6 Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

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Did you know that one in every five Americans doesn’t have a straight bite? Luckily, this is a problem that can be fixed with teeth straightening with orthodontic treatments. This type of treatments can correct almost all malocclusions and improve your oral health and even facial structure. Due to aforementioned benefits, over 4.5 million individuals are wearing braces today. 

However, braces have their pros and cons, and thanks to technological advancements, we have more subtle ways of treating teeth such as Invisalign. Invisalign aligners fit on your teeth and gradually align them to a straight position, all while being completely invisible. So if you’re stuck between traditional braces and Invisalign for you or your kid, here are six Invisalign benefits that might push your decision in the right direction. 

It’s subtle

One of the main reasons why patients choose Invisalign over metal braces is aesthetics. Many kids might not be bothered by colorful metal braces on their teeth. Actually, if they see their peers wearing them, they might be excited to go through the process and show off their new braces. However, since traditional braces have that preteen vibe, adults might not be thrilled to have them. Luckily, Invisalign aligners are completely clear and they might not even be noticeable at all. The aesthetic appeal is very important for adults, especially professionals who are associated with other people in their day-to-day responsibilities (people in customer service, sales or in boardrooms). 

It’s more comfortable

During the initial treatment period, metallic wires and brackets can cause a lot of discomfort in the mouth. Punctures and scratches associated with metal braces can result in pain for kids and adults alike. On the other hand, Invisalign trays don’t have any sharp edges and are completely smooth. The smoothness of the surface equals less discomfort and no injuries to the oral cavity

It can address many dental issues

Invisalign aligners are suitable for correcting many mild and moderate dental issues that include

  • Teeth crowding
  • Gap teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Overbite 
  • Underbite

Overbites, underbites, crossbites and other malocclusions can easily be corrected with Invisalign. This type of orthodontics can also address crowding which can decrease the rate of cavities and gum issues. Under the hands of skilled professionals, these aligners can treat even some severe cases. Experts in Australia are well-known all over the world, so you can schedule a consultation for Invisalign in Sydney and discuss your treatment options with real professionals. If you find an expert with the title of Diamond Invisalign Provider, you’ll surely be in safe hands. 

You can eat anything

Most orthodontists advise their patients against eating certain foods while wearing traditional braces to avoid damaging brackets and wires. You or your child might have to give up hard, sticky and crunchy foods. However, Invisalign can be removed during meal times, which means you can enjoy all your favorite foods without any damage to your braces and your treatment. 

Cleaning is easy

Keeping up with your typical oral hygiene routine might be hard (or even impossible) with traditional braces. Metal brackets and wires make brushing and flossing very hard, which can lead to neglecting your oral hygiene while going through the treatment. On the other hand, Invisalign can be removed, so you can take off your aligners to brush and floss completely normally. You can forget about any food particles getting caught on wires and brackets or making sure you floss between wires and teeth. Instead, you can brush and floss like you usually do and maintain perfect dental hygiene. 

Fewer doctor appointments

Busy people might dread regular visits to the dentist to tighten the wires and adjust the brackets. And since the treatment typically lasts about two years, keeping up with the appointments can be a pain in the back. Invisalign appointments are usually shorter and more spaced out (typically six to eight weeks apart). All your dentist needs to do is check whether the teeth are moving in the right direction and issue a new set of aligners and you’re free to go home. 

Do you want to fix your smile but don’t want to commit to regular braces? Book a consultation with your orthodontist and see whether you’re a good candidate for Invisalign aligners. Your smile will light up the room without having to deal with wires, brackets and all other issues of traditional braces.

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