Keeping up with the need to keep up


So my first official release in this new medium is an album called Change Poison, Make Medicine. It’s a bittersweet thing, but that is life in itself, isn’t it really? 0ne of my very best friends I ever had, tragically lost her life not long after the sessions as did another of the musicians (sometime later) that contributed so much of himself to the recordings. I refer of course, to Cath Synnerdahl and Greg Ham. It (the album) was recorded over a matter of days at the Hot House studio in Acland St St Kilda. It was short and sweet and all had the very best of times…

At first, I could not bring myself to release it, too many conflicting emotions and the idea of having to tell the story over and over during interviews etc just seemed to be too overwhelming for me to take on. That and doing the obligatory launches and tours just did not appeal to me. I shelved the project.

Now I am stronger and feel it selfish of myself to keep their talent and passion locked away in a safe or left in a box under my bed, so now I am giving the music a chance to live and breathe and keep their spirit alive. I am changing poison into medicine and finding it a most effective cure.

Should you feel inclined you can download this album completely or track by track, you have freedom of choice to do so and that is a wonderful thing in this new and exciting medium. Simply go to                                             
and see and hear for yourself. This is a big step for me but it is a timely one. My beginnings in with X back in 1977 have always made me lean toward an ‘independent artists come first’ mentality and it really does not get any more independent than this. All my old out of press recordings will become available as well as my current and future releases.

These downloads are as wave files, not mp3s. The sound quality is as good as it gets. As I said, no more middle man. This is the ‘artist’ finally having total control over his/her works.  If this works out then I may use any money made to do a limited release on vinyl just for the hell of it and because I do love it as a medium. Time will tell. This is so important to me, the album itself is so personal I can’t begin to explain.

I had so much fun with Cath, beautiful memories like seeing her clutching 4 cowbells in one hand and two drum sticks in the other banging an insane counter rhythm to a track…the two of us just laying the tracks, laughing and singing bv’s together.

Working with Rosie Westbrook was fantastic, she is so beautiful and talented, what a musician… she was a sheer delight to get on board. Her double bass work and electric bass were just so natural and so right!

Greg Ham was the most delightful and humble man. An incredible talent. What was done to him was just so wrong. Still, I can at least hold on to the memory of working with him.

Craig Harnath was his usual enthusiastic self. A great man with a generous heart. It would literally impossible to do it without him. I even got to do a duet with a one-time Playmate of the year, Contessa WinAnrosa! She amazed everyone with her good humour and totally down to earth nature.

What an eclectic bunch of people! I have always been blessed to work with very exceptional people and this was no, err… exception!

If you like rock and roll or have been down and known the true grief of loss then I suggest a dose of this – It certainly helps me cope. Change that poison into medicine.   What else can I say? Welcome to the ‘Now’.                                          

In the meantime…. I Was Made For Loving You if you want to just click on the link!

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