KOKOBAR – Our Story

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KOKOBAR was born in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic (hasn’t 2020 dished up a treat for us)

While isolating at home and indulging on everything in sight to fight boredom it became apparent that I had a love for everything chocolate and sweet. Fast forward 2 weeks into isolation when I was in need for a gift and couldn’t venture out – I started to search the world wide web for a gift that would sweeten a friends day, but I wanted to send flowers also. I then discovered that there was a need for an all in one gift-giving service, offering beautiful fresh daily flowers and an all Australian gift giving range offering a variety of artisan chocolates and sweet treats from across our beautiful country……and why not add some festive and fun balloons also!

With a background in product design within the gift-giving area, and extensive experience in event management and styling…..I decided to go to work and found the most amazing creators of chocolate and sweet treats – all in our backyard. It became my mission to curate the most delicious sweets into a stylish and fun box for gifting whilst promoting Australian made and supporting local suppliers. All our product is sourced from Australian boutique suppliers who use natural and superior ingredients. Even our gift box is made from a 100% Australian owned company.

By supporting our local business you are supporting a chain of local businesses and helping Australia recover and grow, even if it is in a small KOKOBAR way.

I hope you love this ‘happiness in a box’ that we have created for you  enjoy xo

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