Listen To Older Voices: Mary Davenport – Part 1

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 Welcome to Listen To Older Voices, a program produced Rob Greaves for Wesley Mission Victoria and podcast through the Toorak Times.

Listen To Older Voices presents the stories, views and opinions of our older citizens. It is predominantly in a life & times format, with interviewees reflecting upon their lives from earliest memories. An underlying principal of the program is to promote the concept of positive ageing, reinforcing the principle that older people have & continue to make a valuable contribution to both their local & wider community.

The story of Mary Davenport is a story told over three programs. Mary is 96 years of age and you would be hard pressed guessing her age from just listening to her voice and from her recall of events in past years. Not only does she have wonderful recall, her voice demonstrates that she is an amazingly strong and healthy woman who also, incidentally, has a wonderful sense of humor.

As we listen to her recall events from her past we are not just entertained in part 1 of her story but are given an historical snapshot of the years covering her birth year of 1920, through to the years of World War II. Part 1 of her story sets a wonderful scene for parts 2 and 3.

Previous LTOV Programs can be accessed clicking on this icon –


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