Loktak Lairembee


Loktak is a lake that supports a fishing community that builds houses on floating biomass and fish from long canoes. A fully self-sustainable community that the Indian Government decided was polluting the lake their houses were destroyed. The Floating demolition rig is a monstrous looking machine boat loaded with armed military and the locals are scared and angry.

The story is told to us with an intimate look into lives of a terrified Tomba and his overworked wife Thombalsang after their home had been torched and living in a new hut on the lake. Tomba is so fearful he is frozen and his poor wife is so overworked and frustrated with his inability to function she warns of leaving him.

His mindset becomes more aggressive after he finds a hand gun in the bio mass, but his paranoia and fearful response to a late night visitor leads to tragedy. The film has no soundtrack and comes across as a reality protest documentary with a script.

LOKTAK LAIREMBEE may be slow going but is also mindful story and I am glad I am now aware of the indecency that is enforced on these people. 

Director: Haobam Paban Kumar Cast: Ningthoujam Sanatomba India, 2017
Manipuri with English subtitles

Run time: 91 minutes

LOKTAK LAIREMBEE is showing on Sunday the 20th of August at Hoyts. Forrest Hill for more info or to book your tickets click  here 

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