Make your Home Pest-free with Professional Pest Control

Builder And Client Inspecting Roof Damage
Builder And Client Inspecting Roof Damage

Pest control is structured to be a solution that makes your home a safe, hygienic, and pest-free place. All said and done, there are certain requirements to ensure the treatment process is carried out seamlessly, effectively, and lasts long. Although this depends on the expertise of the pest control company, the type of chemical treatments being used and the way in which they are administered, the condition of your home and property at the time of treatment can also have a huge effect on how much value you extract from this procedure.

Pest control and removal need your home to meet certain criteria before and after the chemical treatment so that existing pests are taken care of and the property is protected from future threats until the next routine check-up.

This article will walk you through an important checklist that helps you get your house ready for pest control treatment and also allows it to retain the benefits of the same for a longer period. Let’s start with a checklist broadly categorized by some of the most common things to keep in mind.

Create an Accessible Layout

This is one of the first things you want to keep in check, the minute you have a pest control and removal session scheduled. No matter what the layout of your home is like and how many elements you have placed in each room, you will need to remove any pieces of furniture or appliances that will come in the way of the professionals.

Technicians will need to carry out a thorough inspection and an even distribution of the medication all over your property. They may even chemically treat certain points in excess as per their discretion. Hence, they need to access entry points, corners, and crevices. To ensure you get the best out of this treatment keep the above-mentioned items away.

Furniture & Lifestyle Items

Make Your Home Pest-free With Professional Pest ControlPest control and removal treatments include chemicals that are good for your pest problems but not for the items in your home. Things like clothes, curtains, drapes, bed sheets, cushions, toys, etc. basically anything with fabric on it needs to be stored away. Even jewellery and toys need to be keep away from chemical treatments.

If you can’t store them away, seal them up tightly in plastic wrapping. This includes chairs, tables, etc. Cabinet and cupboard gaps should be sealed with plastic cellotape, only, since masking tape absorbs chemicals as well.

If you are especially opting for a termite treatment all your wooden furniture will need to be emptied in order for it to be treated.

Kitchen & Dining Area

Make Your Home Pest-free With Professional Pest ControlThis is the area where all your eatables are stored and kept. So there’s all the more reason for you to be twice as careful. No points for guessing you need to empty your dustbin.

All food needs to be stored in tightly sealed thick containers. Cooking utensils, plates, cups, etc., and appliances need to be stored away or wrapped in plastic. Your fridge needs to be put off and refrigerated food needs to be consumed or discarded.

Allow for all items and appliances on the countertop to be easily moved around so the pest control treatments can go right into the cracks, crevices, and corners. Kitchen sinks are sprayed so remember to keep yours open.


Make Your Home Pest-free With Professional Pest ControlGetting your home treated for pests can be both distressing and harmful for your pets. Try to get them out for the day, maybe even choose to have them treated for any fleas and ticks that very day so that the pests do not hide in their fur until the chemicals ease out.

Keep any toys and bedding stored in plastic wrapping. In case you have a fish aquarium, place enough food in the tank and tightly seal off any openings in the aquarium with a plastic sheet. Turn off the air pump so that it does not suck in chemicals from the air and release it into the water.

Paintings Flowerpots

The treatments can definitely harm your potted plants and any treasured paintings you have around your home. To prevent this from happening, do keep all plants outside and use a thick plastic to wrap paintings or any valuable items that are painted or varnished.

Bathroom Accessories

Your bathroom needs to be emptied out of any linen, towels, rugs, etc and accessories like toothbrushes, razors, etc. The bathroom is the second most likely place to attract pests, and hence will be sprayed down thoroughly. Do ensure you remove or seal any toiletries that will come in contact with the skin or mouth.

Do’s and Don’ts Around Your Property Once Pest Control is Done

Having the treatment carried out in your home is only half the battle won. Now, the responsibility to let its effect last long is yours. But there’s no need to worry! With these simple reminders, you’ll be through with it in no time. Begin by being patient, and waiting it out.

If you can possibly plan a getaway for 2-3 days or so, go right ahead with that plan.

  • Throw away any food that was left outside. Why take the risk of it being exposed to a dead insect, rodent or chemicals (even if they are organic)?
  • Do not wash away the treatment in a bid to clean up your home. Most reputed pest control technicians leave the premises clean. Besides, since they assess the area & problem before-hand, they will inform you about how soon you can clean the house and which areas should be left alone for a while.
  • Repair any plumbing issues or leaking faucets. Gathered moisture and dampness create the perfect climatic conditions for pests to breed and build their home. Plus, the leakage areas become entry points for pests.
  • Avoid coming in direct contact with any treated areas as it may get onto your hands and you may unknowingly consume it. Wear gloves to be on the safe side. Regular carpet steam cleaning or dry cleaning. May be steam cleaning once a month and general vacuum cleaning 3 or 4 times a week. This will pest at the bay.
  • Finally, the purpose of the procedure is to eradicate pests and kill them. Be on the lookout for dead or decaying pests that will die due to the medication. The last thing you want is a foul odor taking over your premises or discovering a festering carcass.

That’s not All….Be Wary of Side-effects

You definitely would have come across cases where people have had allergic reactions to the chemicals in pest treatments. It is best that you inform the technician beforehand of any allergies you have. Even if the treatments are organic, you cannot take a chance. Be wary in case you or your family members start off with breathing issues, dizziness, itchy or watery eyes, scratching sensation in your throat, reddening or the development of a rash on the skin. Pregnant women, senior people, and infants should be kept away from the place at all cost.

The conclusion of this very detailed list of things to do and avoid, is that you be thoroughly informed of what is expected from you and also be alert and aware before, during, and after the treatment to ensure you gain the most out of it without any harm to your health or your family members’ health.

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