Most Essential Tips For Applying Textured Render Finish On Your Wall

Textured Render Finish
Textured Render Finish

Everyone wants their house to be a head turner and without beautiful walls, it is impossible to achieve this goal. So, to make the walls look beautiful, some people paint it with beautiful colors, and some apply to render finishes. If you paint your walls, the beauty won’t last for long. The paint gets faded within a few years. So, to make the beauty of your walls last for a longer period of time, it is better to apply a textured render finish. It not only adds to the beauty of your walls but also comes with a lot of other benefits like durability, low maintenance, helps to save on energy expenses and protects the wall from the harsh weather.

Textured Render Finish

Before you go on to apply it, there are some factors that need to keep in mind, especially the age of the walls. It is an essential factor because the materials that you will use to prepare the mixture largely depend on how you envision your wall. Moreover, the type of texture and the maintenance procedure also depends on this aspect. You should also be careful in selecting the basic material that will be used to prepare the mixture. Make sure that the materials that you choose are of high quality and durable enough. If you consider these factors then only you will get your desired textured render finish.

So here we are with some of the most important tips that you should not ignore if you are planning to apply textured render finish on your house walls.

  • The first thing you need to do is to prepare the surface of the wall. Applying a textured render finish is just like painting on a canvas. Ensure the wall is clean, dust and dirt free. You will have to peel out the old paint of the wall if there is any. Make sure there are no stains of grease or any other stains on the wall. It is hard to achieve the perfect finish if the wall is not properly cleaned.
  • Second, you need to prepare the base by applying a cement plaster coating uniformly over the wall. This plaster will act as a perfect base for the render finish. Usually, the plaster will take around 24 hours to dry. After the plaster dries out, you should apply the textured render finish. Along with acting as the base for the textured render finish, this plaster will protect the wall from harsh weather conditions.

Textured Render Finish

  • Now it is time to prepare the mixture. Ensure that when you are preparing the mixtures, you add the right proportion of water and cement so that you get the desired thickness. To prepare the render finish, you need to mix the textured render finish that you have selected with high-quality plastering sand. Make sure to mix the right proportion of the render finish and the plastering sand.
  • If the texture that you have selected contains color, then make sure you prepare the mixture properly so that the color is uniformly spread throughout the mixture. To achieve a smooth finish, it is highly recommended that you use steel float to apply the textured render finish on the wall. To remove the excessive render, you can use a flat edge metallic leveler.

So, these were some of the most important tips for applying textured render finish on the walls of your house. If you are not aware of the correct procedure of rendering, then you should hire a professional who can do the job for you. Before hiring any professional make sure that he is experienced and skilled enough to carry out the task.

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