Performance Dates

March 10 Thursday

Matinee performance 1 – 2:30pm
Evening performance 2 – 7:00pm

March 11 Friday

Evening performance 3 – 7:30pm

March 12 Saturday 

Matinee performance 4 – 3:00pm
Evening performance 5 – 7:30pm

March 13 Sunday 

Early evening performance 6 – 6:00pm


This musical theatre piece commemorates Aboriginal elder and human rights activist, William Cooper, who led a delegation on December 6th 1938 from Footscray to the German Embassy in Melbourne, presenting the only private citizen’s protest to the German government against their persecution of the Jews on Kristallnacht.

Key Dates

Both performances will be a part of St Kilda Writers’ Week – Chapters


Performers include:

  • School Children
  • Choirs
  • Dancers
  • Actors
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Professionals
  • Amateurs
  • Musicians
  • Holocaust Survivor Testimonies
  • Indigenous Groups

Celebrity guests from London’s West End, choirs from the Middle East and schools from Germany will be involved in our virtual performance.


On November 2018, to mark the 80th anniversary of this remarkable story, the musical, NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS, was performed at Cathedral Hall, Australian Catholic University with a cast of over 400.

The success of our 2018 musical piece had inspired Monash University to create a hub for Aboriginal Cultural Studies called the William Cooper Institute; for-aboriginal-cultural-studies-including- music/?utm_source=miragenews&utm_medium=miragenews&utm_campai gn=news

We aim to bring different communities together through the celebration of music theatre, after the past difficult year we have spent apart. Modelled on previously successful inclusive music projects run in Haringey, London; Hong Kong, Shepparton; and Melbourne, NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS is predominantly an outreach program that provides participants with opportunities to develop personal and social traits.

German Government Endorsement

On December 6th 2020, German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially apologised for the rejection of Cooper’s petition and fully endorsed all of its recommendations as seen in the link below. protest-at-persecution-of-jews-20201204-p56kov.html

We are deeply appreciative to have an official endorsement from Honorary Consul-General for Germany, Michael Pearce.

Performance Aims

NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS is an outreach program that aims to:-

  • To introduce Victorians to the life of:
    • William Cooper and his delegation as an example of the power of courage in overcoming hardship, prejudice and inequality
    • Gary Sokolov as Jewish son of Tattooist of Auschwitz
    • Life of Kristallnacht survivors Mr Kurt Wildburg, Mr Henri Korn and Ms Sara Sarooni
    • Life of Aboriginal Elder and Activist Jack Charles
  • To offer a participatory experience that contributes to local and regional cooperation, collaboration and partnerships through the arts
  • To consolidate a reputation for high-quality inclusive theatre projects that;
  • are inclusive of all Victorians of all faiths and cultures
  • can accommodate participants who are coping with multi-dimensional challenges with their physical and mental health
  • provide opportunities for university students and theatre students to get firsthand experience as volunteers in inclusive musical
  • To offer participation in a musical theatre project that may make a lasting contribution to:
    • Health outcomes
    • overall well-being
    • improved self-efficacy and relationships
  • To provide an opportunity to participate in an inclusive musical theatre experience that potentially contributes to educational outcomes including:
    • aspirations to higher education and
    • re-engaging with learning
    • interest in lifelong learning

Highlighted Stories

NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS will highlight the following stories:-
• William Cooper and his delegation
• Gary Sokolov, the Jewish son of the Tattoo of Auschwitz
• Kristallnacht survivors, Mr Kurt Wildburg, Mr Henri Korn, and Ms Sara
• Aboriginal Elder and Activist, Jack Charles

Key Partners

  • German Government
  • Alex Theatre, St Kilda
  • St Kilda Writer’s Week


We are delighted to announce the involvement of Dr Lois Peeler AM,
Victorian Senior Australian of the Year 2017. Dr Peeler is the principal of
Worawa College, the only all Aboriginal girls school in Australia, and we
welcome their input in our musical.

We thank the support of indigenous activist Jack Charles, Kristallnacht
survivors Henri Korn and Sarah Saaroni.

Contact Details

Company & Stage Manager: Isobelle De Livera 0488 501 041

Artistic Director: Warren Wills 0421 604 327


St Kilda Arts Tourism Association Sponsors and Supporters

night of broken glass @ the alex theatre

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