‘Nursery Web’ NYC playwright’s world premier

‘nursery web’ nyc playwright’s world premier
The Butterfly Club

The Nursery Web

Wed 1 to Sun 5 Feb

A captivating look into the nuances and intricacies of falling in love, loving and falling out of it all.

This is a play in three parts, each part a slice of the heartfelt reality of relationships. This modern piece of theatre provides a rare look into the very complex soul of love and the many strands, streams and tangents it could lead us. It is about three couples of different ages, preferences and experiences discussing and living through very different phases of their relationships.

It is a piece of utmost honesty and raw human connection, it is looking through a window and discovering the secret pain, joy, loss and elation we experience when sharing our selves with a loved one. Deeply philosophical, it stays away from the cliches of sex, gender and infatuation but rather dives into the psychological journeys humans go on when they truly love.

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Day Time
Wednesday 01 February 2017 7:00pm
Thursday 02 February 2017 7:00pm
Friday 03 February 2017 7:00pm
Saturday 04 February 2017 7:00pm
Sunday 05 February 2017 7:00pm


Type Price
Full $32
Concession $28
Members $26
Group (6+) $25
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