Oral Health in Australia: Cavities and Tooth Decay is on the Rise

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According to a study, dental decay is the most prevalent oral disease in Australian children, with one in three children between the ages of five and six having symptoms of decay in their baby teeth. These devastating results are the main proof that we all need to start taking better care of our oral health and teaching the little ones how to properly brush and floss because the statistics continue to overwhelm.

Upsetting results

As stated by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 3 in 10 adults aged 25-44 had untreated tooth decay, and in the period between 1994 and 2013, the proportion of people aged 15 and over reporting any oral health impact varied between 31.4% and 39.9%. The number of children between the ages of 1 and 3 that are getting dental decay is increasing by the year, which means we need to pay a lot more attention to how the youngest are feeding and whether we’re teaching them good oral and health habits or are we failing in that area. Having their teeth removed at that early age can leave permanent marks on their emotional health, so it’s vital that children are taught how to properly brush the minute their baby teeth are all grown. 

The main causes of cavities

oral health in australia: cavities and tooth decay is on the rise

While poor oral hygiene can be one of the biggest factors to cause tooth decay, unhealthy dietary habits will contribute to cavities as well. The recent research has shown that only half of adults in Australia brush their teeth twice a day, which caused more than 90% of adults to experience decay in their permanent teeth. Furthermore, three out of four children consume too much sugar which is the next major cause of cavities. That’s why it’s paramount that you start taking better care of your teeth, and stay away from sugary foods and drinks, cut back on smoking, and look at the product’s label first before you buy the next healthy food, that is actually jam-packed with sugar. 

How to treat tooth decay

Dentists suggest that poor oral health is linked to a range of diseases in adulthood, which is why it’s important that you go to your dentist the moment you notice any changes in your teeth or gums. When tooth decay is in its early stage, the dentist may apply a fluoride gel to the area to protect teeth by strengthening the enamel. 

If the problem has further progressed, you may need a filling or crown after the tooth decay has been removed. However, in case the tooth decay has spread to the pulp, a root canal treatment is required. This procedures involve several stages – removing decay, cleaning and disinfecting the root canal and finally the filling root canal so as to prevent re-infection. For this type of dental issues, you should narrow your search by typing in something like best dentist near me in your favorite search engine and finding professionals whose expertise is the treatment of the dental pulp and root canal procedures.

The best ways to prevent it

oral health in australia: cavities and tooth decay is on the rise

Cutting back on starchy, sugary food and drinks is one of the ways to prevent tooth decay. Look for sugar-free alternatives, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol because tobacco will dry out your mouth, preventing saliva i.e. the little helper that keeps the teeth clean. Furthermore, numerous liquors contain sugar which can cause tooth enamel erosion if drunk frequently and in great amounts. Opting for tap water would be a much better choice because it contains high levels of fluoride – a mineral that can prevent the progress of tooth decay. Brushing, flossing and rinsing your mouth with mouthwash at least twice a day is the best way to protect your teeth from cavities and don’t forget to pay a visit to your dentist regularly. 

Final thoughts

It’s imperative that you take care of your oral health because it can seriously affect your well-being if you neglect it. Therefore, make sure you cut back on sugar intake and start taking care of your oral hygiene better. Brush regularly and properly, drink plenty of water, supplement your diet with vitamins and check in with your dentist regularly, to make sure your teeth are in good condition.

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