Play It Forward, created by founding artistic director Dr Jonathon Welch AM, is excited to announce the upcoming launch of Permission to Shine, which will be a true celebration of voice.
“We have really embraced the opportunity to take our programs online and present this exciting new style of singing competition! It doesn’t matter where you are in the world or what type of music you like to sing, pop or folk, blues, hip hop, music theatre or classical – there will be something for everyone of all ages to get involved in!” said Jonathon.
The Play It Forward team have been working very hard to engage a wide variety of people in our arts programs during these difficult times and we are so very excited to share Permission to Shine with you all.
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Watch this space, we will be releasing further details about the competition and how to take part soon! All funds raised will go towards Play It Forward’s inclusive arts projects and programs.
We can’t wait to tell you more very soon, so make sure you sign up for more details now.