The City of Port Phillip has renewed its call for the Victorian Government to allow it to become home to the State’s first pill testing trial.
“Almost two years ago, our Council passed a resolution calling on the Government to immediately legislate to make a pilot program in Port Phillip legal and to provide sufficient funding for illicit drug testing at consenting venues,” Mayor Dick Gross said today.
“Despite continuing illicit drug-related deaths and harm, the Victorian Government is not budging on its refusal to try something different to help stop this heart-breaking loss of young lives.”
Council acknowledges the ability to definitively test for all dangerous substances is not yet possible and the best way of minimising harm is to not take drugs.
“However, just like many public health initiatives such as needle exchanges, which initially attracted strong criticism, pill testing at venues such as music festivals could help save many lives, in this case by flagging potentially deadly contaminants,” Cr Gross said.
“Our Council is again offering to do what we can, in collaboration with public health experts, to support a carefully controlled trial. At the very least, this will provide invaluable data for assessing pill testing’s merits as a harm-minimisation tool.”
Cr Gross said it was appropriate for Council to take on this advocacy role in view of the large number of people drawn to entertainment precincts and music festivals held in Port Phillip. “As a long-standing advocate of a pill testing trial, we welcome the growing political support for this important issue, including the crossbench push for a trial in Victoria.”
Cr Ogy Simic, who jointly raised the issue with Cr Gross in 2017, said a pill testing trial could also include discussions with participants on the risks of drug taking.
“There have been six suspected drug-related deaths in the past five months at music festivals and synthetic drug threats continue to arrive on our shores,” Cr Simic said.
“While our Council certainly doesn’t condone drug use, we also don’t condone missing an opportunity to potentially save young lives by exploring a new approach. What is there to lose?”
Background: On 1 February 2017, Port Phillip Council called on the Victorian Government to immediately legislate to allow, and fund, pilot pill testing facilities at “consenting clubs, festivals and dance parties in the City of Port Phillip to minimise the harms associated with illicit drugs”