Pragmatic Plumbing – What To Do In The Event Of A Leak

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If you have ever dealt with the aftermath of a plumbing leak you will know how much damage can be caused if left untreated. When looking for a plumber Melbourne has a long list of very good choices, the most important thing is to call one before it is too late. Any plumbing leak, regardless of size, must be taken very seriously. Water is something that will find its way into the smallest of cracks and crevices, and that will cause major damage over time. Even if the amount seems insignificant, what you see may just be the tip of the iceberg.

When you first detect a leak in your home you have a number of steps you must take to make sure your home stays safe and secure. Dealing with a leak, especially a large one, can bring a lot of adrenaline and emotion into the picture, but you need to keep yourself focused and follow these steps to minimise any potential damage.

If you find yourself ankle-deep in water, or just staring at a small drip, keep reading to find out what you should do right away.

Shut Off The Water

Whether you know where your leak is coming from, or not, it is crucial that you shut off the water supply immediately. This alone will ensure that the smallest possible amount of water is going to find its way into your home. Shutting off the valve is not going to immediately stop things from leaking, you will have to wait until the water already flowing through your plumbing finds a home. Once you make sure your water is shut off you can start surveying the situation.

Buckets Galore

Since you are, most likely, not a certified plumber it is time to survey the damage and play defence. Get out any buckets you may need to contain remaining leakage and grab all the towels you can. The most important thing here is to get up as much of the water that you can as quickly as possible before it has time to settle and do even more damage. As soon as water hits it is going to flow to every possible area it can, so do what you can to impede some of the progress.

Know Your Limits

Every person is going to have various levels of knowledge and experience with basic plumbing, and some of us don’t even know which side of the wrench to hold. Know your limits when it comes to detecting and stopping leaks in your home. With the water safely shut off, you can start checking to see where the leak has started, but with limited experience and knowledge, you may need some help.

Call In The Professionals

If you are a pragmatic homeowner you know it is important to have professionals carry out most of the skilled work on your home. After the initial clean up, it is important to get a plumbing professional over to look at the situation as soon as possible. They will, hopefully, be able to find and repair the leak and even suggest improvements to keep these kinds of things from happening in the future. 

Follow These Steps And Stay Calm

When something like a major leak happens in your home it is human nature to start panicking, but you must try to focus on these basic steps. Do whatever you need to calm yourself down and start following the simple instructions to make sure you minimise the damage potential. If you manage to get far enough along to call a plumber there is not much more you can ask of yourself, it is time for the pros to do their job.

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