Register for Clean Up Australia Day

Valerie Dunlop has been cleaning Warners Bay Foreshore most mornings for the past 14 years 1024x683 1

Valerie Dunlop has been cleaning Warners Bay Foreshore most mornings for the past 14 years

Australia’s largest community-based clean-up event is just weeks away, and Lake Mac locals are encouraged to sign up for the Sunday 3 March event.

Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser said last year’s efforts saw more than 8000 volunteers collect more than 14 tonnes of rubbish across 113 sites citywide.

“It was so pleasing to see schools, community groups and businesses all working together to beautify the city,” she said.

“Locals are urged to get involved, either by volunteering individually, or forming a group and registering a clean-up site.”

“We’re always excited for new community members to join us who are yet to see what makes Clean Up Australia Day such a rewarding experience.”

For Warners Bay local, Valerie Dunlop, tidying the city is a way of life.

Most mornings for the past 14 years, the 87-year-old has been picking up rubbish along the foreshore.

“I love walking down here; it’s a beautiful place and I like to keep it beautiful.”

“Tissues are usually very bad, cans and just rubbish that people have dumped from what they’ve been eating.”

She encouraged everyone to adopt good recycling and disposal habits, year-round.

“Just pick up your own rubbish, and don’t leave it lying around. There’s plenty of garbage bins to use,” she said.

“When you look at the lake afterwards, it looks so beautiful.”

To take part in the hands-on experience, head to

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