As you know, Stage 3 restrictions have returned to parts of Victoria, including Port Phillip.
We have updated our website to reflect on how this affects our services and I encourage you to check it for any further updates.
We will get through this together as we did before – with kindness and doing things differently to keep ourselves – and others – safe from this highly infectious virus.
This is not about a blame game – the vast majority of Victorians have been doing the right thing and I am confident they will continue to do so.
As before, we need to respect the rules – there are only four reasons to leave home, including exercise and buying food.
This means obeying social distancing rules if you go to our beaches, parks or bayside trails to keep fit.
As our foreshore is so popular, why not look at the road less travelled and get to know your
neighbourhood better through a walk or run?
Although our library services have closed, we will be offering a click and order service from four branches, and of course, our digital service is always available. Now is a great time to curl up with a book as we stay at home in the chillier weather.
Through this challenging time, I have been proud of how the Port Phillip community has been supporting those most affected by COVID-19. Whether it’s community group volunteers packing and distributing food or residents making a point of buying local, we all can make a difference.
Please keep supporting local traders who are offering take-aways. And South Melbourne Market continues to offer fantastic fresh food, including from the popular order and collect service.
Our draft Budget includes extra assistance for those hardest hit by the pandemic. I want to assure you that we are monitoring the impact of the pandemic on our community, including traders, and will be assessing whether more assistance may be required.
We are resilient. We have done this before. And we will come out of this together.
For more information go to: