So the second month of 2019 is upon us.
According to my Google search, in numerology the number TWO is the most feminine of numbers and the most underestimated, hmmm February you sly beast, the number 2 also brings you power, strength, gentleness (ooh flexible), tact & forgiveness. Where am I going with this?
I’m offering you an evening of duets on Feb 14 – which involves TWO people singing TWOgether this is purrfect. Non?
The songs and the couplings will contain all of the above, Voices of power and gentility, tales of forgiveness and strong love, I’m not sure yet how tact will enter the equation but we’ll find out soon enough.
My line up for VALENTINES DAY at The Ember Lounge is pretty spectacular so if you want a ringside seat I’d grab a ticket quick, it may sell out.
I’m thrilled and excited to invite you to the third launch party in my series for THE DUETTING DAMSEL with Stephen Cummings, Rob Snarksi, Benny Peters,Jon von Goes, Alex Buxton and Sherry Rich. My gorgeous band the Soldiers of LoveSam Lemann, Ash Davies and Rick Plantwill be on romantic alert.
We’re going to sing songs by Hank Williams, Freddy Fender, Burt Bacharach and many more.
Very excited to have Sherry Rich sing me, representing female voice in life, love and song.
All the singers will do TWO songs.
So happy that Sherry Rich is my femme Valentine, can’t wait to mix dulcets with her…and here my very colourful Gentlemen Friends…Jon von Goes, Benny Peters, Rob Snarski, Alex Buxton and Stephen Cummings.