Monday, April 29, 2024
24.7 C

Tag: sleep


What Can Sleep Deprivation Do to You and How to Cope With It

Many people are sleep-deprived due to several reasons. There are people whose lack of sleep is intentional. It includes people who stay up at...

Holistic Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

You’ve probably already figured it out, but let us say it once again – having trouble sleeping can have numerous negative effects on your...

I can’t sleep. What drugs can I (safely) take?

If you’re having trouble sleeping, medicines shouldn’t be your first option. Exercise regularly, cut back on coffee (and other caffeinated drinks) after midday, eat less in...

Health Check: how to soothe yourself to sleep

Worrying about not being able to sleep pushes it further away. Getting a good night of sleep can seem like the most effortless and...