The different aspects of the vape culture


E-ciggies have become a rapidly growing trend across the globe with many people making the switch from tobacco based products or taking up the hobby without any prior smoking experience. Vaping e-liquids differs from smoking as you don’t burn tobacco based products. Instead you have a device known as an e-ciggy that uses a battery to heat a liquid. The result is a vapour that the user can inhale.

The liquids that are turned into vapour can come in many different flavours as well as with or without nicotine. E-liquids and e-ciggies are considered to be a subculture of smoking but within it there are even more subcultures. With all the different crazes going on it can be difficult to get your head around the inception of the different trends. We have put together a brief but effective article to help you understand the different aspects of vape culture.

Nicotine throat hit

Many vapers jumped onto the trend as it was alternate way to get their nicotine hit. Many believe that it is a healthy alternative to smoking as it doesn’t have any of the hidden chemicals in the tobacco. However there hasn’t been enough research to come to a concise answer. Because it hasn’t been officially approved users are encouraged to not believe any claims that manufacturers make on their products.

While you can use an e-liquid or a vape pen without nicotine, it doesn’t give you that same throat hit that nicotine based products do. That’s the main reason why people whom have used nicotine products in the past go for e-liquids with nicotine in them.

Flavour chasers

As we previously mentioned, there are hundreds if not thousands of different flavours that e-liquids can come in. Some vapers prefer the non-nicotine variants of e-juice and e-liquids because the flavour is stronger in them. With all these different flavours at their fingertips for them vaping is about that flavour hit rather than the nicotine throat hit.

Users who have not smoked or used nicotine based products in the past normally start out as this group of people. Just because you like the flavours doesn’t mean that you are stuck in a collective group of people either. You can always explore the other avenues and get a taste of everything that the vape culture has to offer.

Cloud chasers

While flavour chasers is a common starting area for new vapers, a lot of new comers join in the trend for the cloud chasing craze. Cloud chasing refers to the collective vapers that are in it for tricks and skills that they can do with their devices. This type of vaping is often referred to as intense vaping as you can develop some really big and thick vapour clouds. Social media has been a big avenue to promote vaping through cloud chasing as there are hundreds of accounts that are dedicated to showing off their cloud tricks.

This aspect of the vaping culture is really a subculture within a subculture. It has a cult following with a lot of users giving advice, tips and even demonstrational videos on how you can modify your device to get the best clouds you can.


As e-ciggies are an electronic device they can be modified to get a desired effect for the user. That’s why you will find that the cloud chasing community are big fans of modifications as they can alter their devices to give them the biggest clouds possible. Bigger and better batteries along with different coil builds are just some modification avenues that e-ciggy users can get started with.

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