The Gift of Giving: How Helping Others Can Help You

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We all like to think of ourselves as giving people, ready to lend a hand when the time comes. The truth is, there is always a cause that needs attention and it can be overwhelming to know who and how to make a positive impact. Helping others is an altruistic act, but it also can help you in a number of ways that go beyond that initial fuzzy feeling. Today we are going to look at the different ways we can help our local and global community and what positive impact that can have on your own life.

Contributing To A Solution

Watching the news can make us feel more deflated than informed, especially when other parts of the world are experiencing extreme adversity and unprecedented horror. When we support a cause, like to donate to the Beirut explosion, we are contributing to a solution that can provide a tangible impact to those in need. In most cases, donating money to a cause is the best form of support as those funds can be directed to a number of priorities, and any amount is appreciated. While it may not be the main driver, donations go a long way in satisfying our own global anxieties about welfare and can make consuming news easier with the knowledge that you have contributed to a solution.

Time And Focus

There are some charities and initiatives that do not require monetary contribution but would much rather the time and commitment of community members. If you are fortunate enough to be in a position where you don’t need to work, you may find that filling your week with volunteering provides the purpose and a greater mission to your week and your life. If you have been on the receiving end of support before, you might also find that returning that time and effort is a way that you can pay forward your own privilege, especially if you are not in a position to donate money instead.

Connection To Community

Being part of a community means more than just your zip code, it’s about living and contributing to a diverse community in a number of capacities. You can help others in your community by keeping your home and frontage safe for pets and children, assisting the elderly at the grocery store or crossing the road, and even by supporting your local makers by buying and advocating for their creations. Not only does this ensure that your community is thriving in the area, but it also strengthens your own connection to this place or the people you surround yourself with. You never know when you too will require the same support of others in your community.

Communicate Values

It’s one thing to verbally state your values, but it is quite another thing to live your values and communicate them through action. This can be particularly impactful if you are helping others on behalf of your business or a greater cause, as it signals to the public that you are serious about your values. When a business has clear values, they attract others who value the same things and can create very strong brand advocacy. It also allows you and your brand to stay connected to the fight and understand the evolving needs of others and how and why it’s important to help.

It might not feel selfless to state the many ways helping others actually helps you, but they are compelling reasons to contribute to a cause. If you are unsure about where you should direct your assistance, look for community boards in your local area or not-for-profit organisation websites to find out who needs support.

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