The Ultimate Guide To Healthy Dental Habits

dental habits
dental habits

Well maintained dental health is not only beneficial for overall health but it is also a crucial factor in self-representation. A nice, confident smile is always a great asset in the way someone presented themselves. That also means poor oral hygiene makes dealing with people uncomfortable and awkward due to the constant feeling of self-consciousness. Not only that but incorrect oral hygiene can cause a lot of serious health issues, including cardiovascular, kidney, and respiratory diseases, stroke, ulcers, and even cancer.  Regular oral hygiene and visiting a dentist can help you keep healthy teeth and gums, and prevent many of the health issues caused by bad dental maintenance. In this article, we will try to point out the proper way you should take care of your teeth.


Tooth brushing is a fundamental process of oral hygiene, and it needs to be administrated multiple times a day. Many people believe that 2-3 brushing every day is too much, and they tend to brush their teeth only in the morning in order to refresh their breath. However, many people are wrong. Once per day is not enough to even prevent bad breath, let alone other disorders. Twice per day is an absolute minimum, wanted at night. By the way, the night tooth brushing is crucial, because food and bacteria are fermenting all night against your teeth and gums. Furthermore, it is recommendable to wait at least half an hour after the meal to brush your teeth. If your food contains any acid, you would be brushing your teeth with said acid, thus damaging your teeth surface. Considering the duration, you should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, 30 seconds per each region. Choose your toothbrush to have soft bristles and tongue scraper, and make sure to replace it every 3 or 4 months. Considering the toothpaste, use the one which tastes refreshing, but mind the fluoride level too. Avoid whitening toothpaste if you have sensitive teeth because it will make damage in the long run.


When we say flossing, we don’t mean about that Fortnite dance maneuver, although we agree you shouldn’t do it publicly. Many people think flossing is a luxury and unnecessary action. Again, many people are wrong, as flossing is an indispensable part of conventional oral hygienic. It helps remove bacteria and food from areas unreachable by a toothbrush. However, you need to apply proper technique when flossing, otherwise, it might become counterproductive. Flossing too aggressively can damage gums, so you got to be careful. The type of floss you’d use purely depends on your preference, as long as you use the appropriate procedure. If flossing is too challenging for you, you can use a water pick or electric floss. They are not as effective as normal flossing, but they provide good alternatives if you are not into scraping your teeth with a string.


The good thing about mouthwash is that you cannot do it wrong, that’s why everyone does it to it get that early fresh breath. Basically, there are two types of mouthwash: cosmetic and therapeutic. The former will freshen up your breath and taste nice, but they will not diminish bacteria in your mouth, or eliminate bad breath. Therefore, you should limit their use to after a meal. If you have constant issues with bad breath you should use a therapeutic mouthwash. They will successfully eliminate bacteria causing bad breath, but they will also help with inflammation of the gums.  Usually, therapeutic mouthwash is prescribed by dentists, but if you decided to buy it on your own, make sure to pick antibacterial or antiseptic one. Some mouthwashes contain fluoride, which helps reduce teeth irritability and decays. Unless explicitly said, you can use mouthwash before or after toothbrush, but never instead.

Dentist Visit

Daily dental habits are very important for oral health, but an equally important factor is visiting your dentist regularly. Dental services such as Pindan Dental Laboratory will make sure your oral health will be monitored by a professional, who might prevent serious health issues we mentioned above. If you noticed anything unfamiliar, such as pain, inflammation or even change in taste, call and appoint a meeting with your dentist as soon as possible. More so if you are are in a risk group for a serious health condition like gum disease or even oral cancer. Identifying the early symptoms greatly enhances the possibility of successful treatment.


Dental health is the aspect of our wellness which a lot of us don’t take as seriously as we should. Not only healthy teeth make a great smile but neglecting your teeth and gum maintenance can seriously damage your overall well-being. Regular teeth brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist will greatly diminish the risks of all teeth-related illnesses. Just remember that health enters our body through the mouth. 

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