Top 7 Search Engine Ranking Factors That Every SEO Company Must Accomplish

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SEO expectations are never-ending and thus these keep changing as per the changing digital environment. With the launch of new apps and new social media platforms, you will have to keep your SEO updated so that you get enough traffic on your site. Well-optimized sites are assured to get good traffic that further leads to more sales opportunities and leads.

In this article, you shall take a look at the top search engine ranking factors that are essential to accomplish. Only then your site will be well-optimized. We have created this handy guide only for you to refer to and adapt to all that you find essential in your business.

Top 7 Search Engine Ranking Factors That Every SEO Company Accomplish:

1. Secure Website:

A website that is secured and easily accessible makes a win-win situation for any business. The very first thing that the SEO ranking factors judge on your business is the type of URL chosen by you. Google visits your URL and understands the nature of business. To help Google understand your business clearly you need to;

  • Use a well-coded website builder

  • A sitemap that lists your pages. WordPress site map is easy to create as you can do it with the help of Yoast SEO. For the rest, you may also use the online sitemap generator.

2. Page Speed:

How easy it is to download your website? It is one of the essential SEO ranking factors. Google wants to ensure that the audience and users experience Fast-loading pages. At the same time, you will also need to check mobile user experience. Perhaps, checking few tips on how to make your web pages load faster you may check online guides on the same.

To share a fact, if your websites take too long to load on desktop and even mobiles, the website would be penalized. This is what was announced by Google in July 2018. You now know why most companies are considering the website speed as an important SEO ranking factor.

3. Domain URL and Age:

We are unsure if you are aware but Google gives excellent rankings to those sites that are at least 3 years old. It is very few sites that are a year or less old that actually achieve ranking. As per the Google research domains that are most relevant, reliable, quality-based, and valuable, Google ranks those the best.

Also to remember, authority plays an important role too. Page authority and domain authority play an important role when it comes to scoring well. With the help of open site explorer, you may check the domain and page authority.

4. Content Optimization:

You must have seen oodles of articles on Google about optimized content. A well-created content on the site definitely enjoys attention in the eyes of Google SEO rankings. It is another highly essential factor in the search ranking engines. Google’s main search analytics relies on the keyword search. Thus, your content must have words and phrases that describe your business most clearly and stick to the most common keywords related to your 7 search engine ranking factors that every seo company must accomplishRemember, one negative SEO ranking factor related to your content may actually be treated as duplicate content by Google.  If you have similar content but, you haven’t copied, it would be wise to let Google know which must be ranked as per the authority with the help of canonical URLs.

5. User Experience:

No website will be helped and ranked best in SEO rankings if it doesn’t accomplish this factor. Your user experience is not only essential for Google rankings but also essential for your business. RankBrain is one of the widely used signals to let Google know which site has better user experience and rankings. Most of the SEO Companies work on this ranking single, we recommend to check homepage and hire this company to improve user experience on your website. These are rates as per below;

  • Your entry in search engines and its rankings depends on the ratio of people that actually visit and click your website. In simple words, it is also known as Click through rate.

  • Bounce rate is another factor to consider in user experience. The number of people who bounce back means that your site wasn’t that impressive. It means visitors to your site lost the interest of people from coming back.

  • Dwell time means the length of time the audience spends on your site. The more time they spend the better for your Google rankings.

6. Links:

Another core SEO factor is the links. Web is completely based on URLs and links. It is one of the most critical SEO ranking factors. Generally, there are three major types of links to consider;

  • Inbound

  • Internal

  • Outbound

Mainly, Google uses inbound links and decides the authority and relevance of the content. As a marketing strategy, you must pick some few low-quality domains for your inbound links.

Also, since you believe in a unique and presentation content which is also essential to attract more visitors to your website, it would be wise to continue with the same practice. It will help you focus more on authoritative sites.

Linking both, your authoritative page to another page on your site can help you and the visitors bring some authority of the other page to your site too. As a result, this also helps in boosting the search ranking engines.

7. Social Networking:

Another most crucial SEO ranking factor how known is your website on social networks. If your content is forwarded and shared by people on their social platforms, it means your content and site, both are valuable.

Another factor to remember is the way authoritative websites are considered on Google rankings, APPS like Facebook and Twitter are not counted as much. However, other social networks also help your search engine rankings to a great extent. You must read all the other factors too that are equally important to boost up your SEO rankings. Check out all the reports, compare it with your competitors, and take all the relevant steps ideal to bring up your site on Google’s search engine. Your site will definitely see a good boost after performing the above factors.

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