Two injured in accident in Perth and thousands of dollars in damage

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An accident occurred in the north of Perth in the first days of December. In the accident, a driver lost control and crashed into a house in the early hours of the morning.

The vehicle injured a man as it crashed into the bedroom of the house. In addition, the damage caused by the accident is estimated to be thousands of dollars.

The driver of the accident suffered minor head injuries as a result of the impact. Although he was slightly injured, he was taken to the hospital as a precaution. Fortunately, no other major injuries occurred in the accident.

The driver is thought to be guilty of distracted driving.

Distracted driving has a huge share in the occurrence of accidents.

Many things can cause distraction while driving. Many seemingly harmless and innocent reasons can cause you to have an accident. The following are examples of minor distractions while driving:

  • talking on mobile phone or texting,
  • eating and drinking while driving,
  • following the navigation to find the way,
  • reaching out to grab something from the glove compartment of the car,
  • trying to remove any insect or fly from the car,
  • hair styling,
  • listening to music,
  • smoking,
  • applying makeup,
  • Taking your eyes off the road to check on children or pets in the car.

Quick facts about distracted driving

  • Drivers are four times more likely to have an accident while using a mobile phone than a driver who pays attention to the road!
  • Using a mobile phone while driving actually means you’re driving blindly for part of the road without ever seeing it.
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs weakens the reflexes of the driver. But using a mobile phone means not looking directly at the road. Both are considered more dangerous than the other!
  • In a study, the majority of those who do not think that using a mobile phone while driving is a problem are in the 24-44 age range. In addition, when the age range of the accident victims is considered, it should not be surprising that the rate in the same age range is higher.

Some tips to avoid distraction while driving

Try to make it a habit not to use your mobile phone while driving. Note that it should only be used in an emergency. While driving, the activity level inside the car should be limited. Thus, the driver can better focus on the road. You should avoid eating while driving. Combining mealtime with the time you spend in the car on the way anywhere may seem good for time. But after the mobile phone, eating and drinking are second only to distractions. You shouldn’t see driving as multi-tasking. Driving is a demanding job, so you shouldn’t combine it with another job (looking for someone you’ve put off your call for a long time, making a playlist, researching a good restaurant to eat at, etc.).

Let’s say you’re involved in a car accident in Perth, as the story describes, but you’re not at fault. And, you do not know what your entitlements are in this matter. What should you do?

No matter how careful you are while driving or walking in traffic, you may be involved in an accident because of someone else’s carelessness. Knowing what to do in such a situation is very important.

If you have any injury or property damage after the accident (even expenses incurred due to the accident), you may be entitled to claim compensation for this.

The amount or kind of compensation that can be claimed may depend on the circumstances of the accident, your situation, or many other reasons. For this reason, you can get support from compensation lawyers in Perth to assess the situation. The lawyers will explain to you your entitlements regarding your situation and what documents you need to claim compensation.

Also, if you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident in NSW, you have the opportunity to claim compensation under the CTP, the Compulsory Third Party programme. We recommend that you arrange initial meetings with CTP lawyers to learn about the details and the benefits it will provide. So, you know what to expect and you can be prepared for it.

Image By Thurtell
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