Doors Janis Joplin Poster 2 scaled
Doors Janis Joplin Poster 2 scaled

“memo  music  hall”:  Takes Great Pleasure In Presenting These Two ‘Brilliant Acts’

Together For The First Time In Australia

Saturday June 22nd

‘Unlocking The Doors’ have been gaining rave reviews for being able to capture the Magic of Jim Morrison and The Doors whilst leaving most of the cliche’s behind. Hailing from Sydney, they bring with them the atmosphere and magic that was the “Woodstock”- San Fransico Music Scene.”(Did you know Jim Morrison knocked back appearing at Woodstock, “The Lizard King” as he was known; he thought it would be second rate to ‘Monterey Pop Festival’.  They did however play at ’The Isle of Wight Festival 1970’ a year after ‘Woodstock’.

‘Pearl – The Australian Janis Joplin Show’ has been performing since 1993. Lead singer Anthea, aka Jewels, needed more research on Janis,her influence and empowering human spirit; so she hopped on a plane and headed to San Fransisco at the invitation of Janis’s guitarist Sam Andrew and co -founder of “Big Brother and The Holding Company. whose First Album “Cheap Thrills” shot to Number One on the American charts. Anthea was invited to sit in with the Sam and members of Big Brother and Holding Co. and Kozmic Blues and Full Tilt Boogie Band, all of Janis’s Incarnations: for Four Shows in the Bay Area. She also met up with Janis’s sister Laura and  later her brother Mike.

She returns to ‘San Fransico’ annually where she catches up with her friends and mentor’s and always ends up gigging with them.

She commutes now between Melbourne – San Fransico and  New Orleans where she also performs annually around Jazz Fest Time.

With audience testimonials already posted about Jewel’s Pearl Show,-that they were ‘left feeling we’d attended a Janis Joplin Show”

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