When you are hiring a car transport company, there are several questions you need to ask them before committing yourself. First, make sure the company is experienced and has been in operation long enough to command a good clientele. You can gather this information from their website or customers testimonials. Some of the questions below may be redundant as the answers may be already provided on their website. Bear in mind that not all car transport companies are the same. Some specialize in transporting new cars; others work on both new and used vehicles, while some cater to special requirements for antique or classic cars all by themselves.
Here are a few questions you must ask your car transport company before you hire them.
1. What type of insurance do you have for the vehicles you transport?
This is an extremely important consideration. Most car transport companies will offer insurance for your vehicle, but it may not be enough. Find out if the policy covers:
- Damage or loss during loading and unloading,
- Damage or loss from accidents while under their care,
- Damage from potholes, bad roads or accidents on the route to your destination.
- Any other instances of damage during transport.
Most car transport companies will only offer third party insurance for your vehicle, while others may include comprehensive coverage, which is better. Ask what the benefits are and if limitations apply to this type of policy.
2. Can I be present during the pick up of my vehicle?
Car transport companies understand how difficult it can be to drop off your car for transport. You may want to ensure that the person driving the vehicle is authorized by you or someone you trust. The company should also provide you with contact details if there are any problems during transport which give you peace of mind.
- How many hours will it take to transport my car from point A to B?
Car transport companies usually provide their clients with an estimated time of arrival and the total cost of the journey. They may not be aware of what you might encounter on the road, but they should at least let you know about any slowdowns or traffic jams that you need to prepare yourself for. You can also discuss whether you would like your car delivered directly to the destination or if they will pick you up from a different location.
3. How do I know my car is in good hands?
Car transport companies usually offer a lot more than just getting your car from point A to B. Ask them about additional services that go beyond transporting your vehicles, such as car storage when you are on vacation, assistance to get your car ready for the return trip and any other options you may need along the way. They should be able to provide a detailed quote of all fees which cover these additional services.
You must ask them if they have a team that can inspect your car before transport or if they will conduct this task themselves upon pick up. This information will tell you that your vehicle is in good hands and free from any damage before being driven onto the transport truck.
Finally, ask them if they have a backup service that offers 24-hour roadside assistance if anything were to go wrong during transit or storage so your car can be brought back to its best condition.