When to see an orthopedic doctor for shoulder pain?

orthopedics specialist
orthopedics specialist

Stiffness and pain in the shoulder are common until it turns chronic, and over-the-counter medications can’t help providing relief! Intense pain around the deltoid region is mostly associated with overuse, over-extension, or even under-use of the shoulder. While for athletes, inflammation and soreness are easily identified due to specific injuries or dislocation, people with labor-intensive work can experience constant pain due to worn out shoulder muscles. 


In the case of accidental injury, one should seek immediate medical attention. For other conditions, if shoulder pain comes back repeatedly or is accompanied by a few other symptoms, such as tenderness of joint, difficulty in carrying objects/raising arms, fever, redness, and visible swelling, one must consult an orthopedics specialist.

When sleeping on an affected side becomes a nightmare!

Movements become critical during shoulder pain, especially when it’s a rotator cuff tendon tear, in which the patient can bear slight lifting and tolerate the pain during the day activities. However, it disrupts sleeping and intensifies pain at night when lying on the affected shoulder turns out to be unbearable. Also, it combines with other symptoms, including loss of motion, weakness, stiffness, and difficulty in placing the arm behind the back.

When the shoulder seems to look unstable

Lack of stability in the shoulder is easy to detect after any injury, directly linking it with ‘dislocation’. In case of a dislocated shoulder, one must avoid performing any activity or home remedies and immediately consult an orthopedic doctor. Dislocation is a common factor of shoulder pain, which can be treated with non-surgical or minimally invasive treatments accordingly.

When lifting the arm overhead becomes a task.

Most shoulder pain is manageable unless it starts to create trouble in performing usual activities such as combing hair, tucking in a shirt, or even the simplest movements. It reflects the case of labral tear, rotator cuff tear, or internal structural injury, and cannot get better on its own. A person needs to consult an orthopedic for immediate treatment; otherwise, it can get worse and harder to repair over time.

Abnormality or bump is noticed around the shoulder region.

Sometimes right after the sudden fall over the shoulders causes bump or crooked appearance on the upper arm directing fracture or severe AC joint injury. These types of damages need serious medical attention to examine the type of fracture. However, AC joint separation doesn’t require surgery and can be treated with medications and proper care over time. Seeking an orthopedic doctor’s advice is necessary before the injury gets worse!

If you are experiencing shoulder pain for a long time, then don’t deal with it alone. Understanding the intervention of an orthopedic doctor in this situation is necessary, as the right diagnosis can lead to the cause behind the shoulder pain and direct you towards effective treatment options for a speedy recovery.

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