Why Solar Is Our Best Energy Option Right Now

canva black and silver solar panels
canva black and silver solar panels

Solar energy is more prevalent than ever before. More homes and businesses use it, and it’s having an impact in communities across the world. Despite the push for renewable power, there are still many areas that could benefit from growth in the solar energy industry.

Electricity is an essential part of modern life. We need it to power our household appliances, electronic devices, medical equipment, and more. Some people have even made the transition to hybrid or plug-in vehicles, which can be charged using solar energy.

As promising as the sun seems to be, there is still reluctance to go all in. It’s understandable. We must weigh the pros and cons of a major decision, whether it’s being made at the household or community level. Connect Electric wants to help shed light on why solar energy may be our best option right now.

  • The Sun Can More Than Meet Our Daily Energy Demand

According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the sun generates 173,000 terawatts of energy per day. It is produced continuously around the planet. That amounts to over 10,000 times the amount of energy that the world uses in the same time span.

We could easily continue to power our lives without sacrificing anything just using sun energy, even in high-population areas.

  • Solar Power Is Renewable and Won’t Run Out

The sun won’t live forever, that much is true. However, we are talking about billions of years. It’s not something that will affect humans anytime soon. In the meantime, our star is always burning. It never stops, which means it’s a sustainable source of power for us.

Coal and oil are finite. Eventually, we will expend all available resources and be left with nothing. Sunlight, on the other hand, doesn’t have this problem.

  • We Can Instantly Cut Our Emission Output with Solar Panels

The impact of solar panels is immediate. As soon as you start using them, you cut your emissions. A single household could see a reduction of 80% or more, depending on the amount of consumption and size of the solar system being used.

  • Solar Energy Can Reduce Air, Land, and Water Pollution

Solar energy is better for the planet. The photovoltaic cells used in solar panels do not require water to operate. That means they won’t pollute local waterways. Solar lowers air pollution because it does not emit greenhouse gases and reduces toxic waste production.

  • We Don’t Have to Locate Solar Energy – It’s Everywhere

Energy and resources must be expended in the search for fossil fuels. Once they are located, they must be excavated and transported. That can be very expensive and detrimental to the planet. Solar energy is everywhere and comes from the sun. There’s no searching, and no digging required.

We need to learn more about sustainable energy now before we are forced to make a change. Connect Electric can provide insight into whether a solar system is the best solution for your home or business.

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