Staying on top of cybersecurity has never been more important. With hackers going after even the smallest operations and data attacks becoming the norm, it’s vital you protect your intellectual property and customer information. How exactly do you do that? The following tips should help:

Get Set Up Properly

Your devices and systems must be set up properly. All it takes is one problematic section of code in your network for your company to be open to attack. If you can’t afford a dedicated in-house cybersecurity team, we strongly recommend that Australian businesses look into managed IT services in Melbourne

You’ll benefit from a specialist team of experts working round the clock to keep your business safe at a fraction of the cost of in-house services. You’ll also be able to sleep far better at night knowing you’re protected from attacks.

Unique Passwords Are Essential

Far too many employees still use the standard password they were issued at the commencement of their employment. This leaves you open to data breaches, revenge from disgruntled previous employees, and more. The usual password handed out in an info pack is generally some variation of your business name with a 1 or an exclamation point at the end. Such passwords take seconds to hack. 

Avoid having this turn into a problem by ensuring new staff members change their passwords during orientation. Your Managed Service Provider (MSP) or in-house IT team should also send regular reminders to all staff to update old passwords. 

Always Keep Backups

Sometimes, bad things happen for no clear reason. Your device may break, or a server may fail. These things happen. Inevitable though they may be, the last thing you want to be doing is stressing about whether you’ve just lost all your data. So, conduct regular backups and store the data in the cloud or a secure location.

Don’t Install Anything You Don’t Recognise

Hackers love sneaking viruses and dirty code onto your device alongside seemingly harmless software. Once malicious files are on your hard drive, it can be nearly impossible to get rid of them. While there’s no way to be 100% safe in this regard, avoiding the installation of software you don’t recognise can greatly reduce your risk.

Don’t Use External Hardware Unless It’s From A Trusted Source

External hardware is another leading method by which those with nefarious purposes get their malicious code on your company’s devices. Because of this, portable hardware such as USBs and external hard drives should only ever be plugged into work computers. 

Additionally, the use of external hardware that isn’t company-issued should be avoided at all costs unless you can guarantee that it belongs to a trusted source and hasn’t been in contact with an infected device. 

Use reCaptcha

Finally, the use of reCaptcha on all forms on your website is highly advisable. Employees are far more likely to click a suspicious link if it comes through disguised as a customer enquiry. The verification process may make your form a little more time-consuming to submit. However, saving consumers time isn’t worth the risk to your business, especially when those who aren’t willing to tick a box and type out some characters probably also aren’t willing to pay what your product or service is worth.

The quality of your cybersecurity can make or break your business, so it’s important to have consistent protection. Follow these tips, and engage the services of a professional MSP if you feel like you’re out of your depth. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. In fact, IT support can save your company from irreparable damage if it helps you avoid a cyberattack.

Photo: Jefferson Santos/Unsplash 

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