FIRE: 26 Nott Street, Port Melbourne 3207

20231222 105809

At approx. 05:30am this morning, multiple calls to 000 were received, reporting fire 🔥 coming from the windows of 26 Nott Street, Port Melbourne 3207.

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Based on the number of calls received and the fact that there were reports of an occupant unaccounted for, the Fire Rescue Victoria FSCC upgraded the response to a second alarm, which automatically triggered the dispatch of additional fire fighting appliances and crews.

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Upon arrival at the fire, crews wearing breathing apparatus scaled a first floor balcony, forced entry and immediately began a primary search for any occupants.

A female in her 30s – 40s was pulled from the home and fire crews began emergency medical care until Ambulance Victoria arrived and took her to hospital 🏥

Neighbouring homes were evacuated safely and the fire was knocked down and contained to the first floor of the dwelling.

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As can be seen in these images from the scene, the home suffered significant fire and water damage and is currently uninhabitable. It’s believed that this building is public housing so attempts were made to notify DHHS.

When the Toorak Times attended today, Victoria Police forensics and investigators were on scene.

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All photos by our lead photographer and chief crime reporter Lord Murray Schoorman of Peak Hour Images.

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