Queensland theatres called on to join ground-breaking training program

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Stage Queensland member venues are being encouraged to apply to participate in Tech Connect Queensland, a $750,000 accredited industry training program for performing arts technical crews. Expressions of interest for the program, presented by Arts Centre Melbourne in partnership with Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) and Stage Queensland, close on 31 August.
The program, funded by the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, builds on Arts Centre Melbourne’s Arts Industry Learning initiative, and Tech Connect training program.
Tech Connect QLD training builds upon the Tech Connect Victoria program, funded by Creative Victoria, which has delivered training in regional centres including Horsham, Shepparton, Gippsland, and Geelong. The Queensland program will provide and deliver accredited industry training that creates sustainable employment pathways for young technical crews within the arts sector to deliver the next generation of theatre technicians. The training model combines formal classroom-based study with structured mentoring in theatres enabling trainees to work alongside the industry’s top technical specialists, directors, designers, and performers.
“We have seen the results of this ground-breaking program at Arts Centre Melbourne and in regional hubs across Victoria. I can’t wait to see venues across Queensland embrace all it has to offer,” says Arts Centre Melbourne Interim CEO Leanne Lawrence.
Arts Centre Melbourne’s unique, nationally accredited Registered Training Organisation (RTO) – Arts Industry Learning – will provide training to Technical Supervisors (Certificate IV level) & Trainees (Certificate III level). The RTO will deliver face to face training and assessment requirements over annual 2–3-week designated block training periods with QPAC nominated as the training hub for the first year. For the following years, block training periods will align with Stage QLD conferences in other host/hub venues state-wide.
Arts Centre Melbourne training will also include industry-specific mental health sessions delivered by the Arts Wellbeing Collective (AWC). The AWC brings together the expertise of mental and allied health professionals with industry insights from its members to co-design resources and services that support positive mental health for people working in the performing arts.

For more information contact:

Tim Panitz, Technical Training Committee, Stage QLD. E: tim@empiretheatre.com.au
Applications to: training@stagequeensland.com.au

Photo credit: Arts Centre Melbourne

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