Roll with the Punches

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How hard-hit local gym owner and boxer ‘rolled with the punches’ in 2020 and came out on top. The ultimate pivot.

Fitness industry business owners were among some of the hardest hit through the fast-arriving pandemic of 2020. Tiffanee Cook, boxer and co-owner of two newly established fitness clubs, found herself with rent to pay and all avenues of income shut down, literally overnight. In the name of reacting the way she was trained she made good of her boxing ethos of ‘rolling with the punches’ and ‘staying in the fight’ and started a feel-good, self-improvement podcast named just that, Roll With The Punches.

Coming up to the 100th episode in under 8 months Tiffanee admits “I didn’t think too far ahead at all, I just saw an opportunity to develop some skills and muscle in on opening myself up to new connections along the way. I sure never dreamed of having the calibre of guests, the number of listeners and even the level of learning and development I have had in such a ridiculously short time.”

With the support of paid sponsors from 8 weeks in, Roll With The Punches boasts many accolades such as reaching #8 on the Australian iTunes Charts for self improvement, featuring guests such as Dave Hughes, Mark Seymour, Gary Mehigan, Jacqui Lambie and Dr John Demartini along with first responders, friends, team mates, family and anyone who has a story to share around how they too once rolled with the punches and came out on top. Ironic really. “I’m kind of blown away, I mean the idea that a small town, Tassie bogan (as Tiff refers to herself) can throw this all together with no background or experience in this type of thing can gain such support and momentum, kind of proves my belief that anything is possible with passion, consistency and a willingness to do the work”.

You can listen to Roll With The Punches on all major podcast streaming platforms.

roll with the punches

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